All Comprehension skills articles
How to help students master decoding command words
Use these three strategies to prepare your 14–16 learners for exam success
Pesticides and agricultural productivity calculations | 14–16 years
Link food security to yield, percentage yield and atom economy
Recycling plastics evaluation | 14–16 years
Develop your learners’ evaluation, extended writing and maths skills in the context of polymers
Strategies to help students write scientifically
Essential advice from an English teacher on how to successfully model the writing process and boost your learners’ skills
Improve your students’ literacy in science skills
Use these tips to help your pupils write and talk like a scientist
Structure and bonding: exploding exam questions | 14–16 years
Present and practise a technique to help learners understand the language used in extended-reponse questions and improve their answers
Hanukkah doughnuts: interpret practical instructions | 11–14 years
Worksheet on interpreting practical methods using a recipe format, a scientific method and integrated instructions
Moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy
Recent steep price increases could push us towards renewable energy
The politics of energy – structure strip | 14–16 years
Develop your learners reading comprehension and writing skills while revisiting topics from organic and atmospheric chemistry
Demystifying scientific symbolic language
Teach your students how to understand and use chemical symbols in their learning
Improve students’ scientific literacy through inquiry
Tips to develop students’ experimental design skills without the need for practical chemistry
War threatens semiconductor production
Link the conflict in Ukraine, the impact on neon production and conflict materials with this story and starter slide
Toiletries and cosmetics: what’s on the label?
What do all those terms on the ingredients list mean?
How to use textbooks effectively
6 teacher-tested strategies for successful book learning in the classroom
Reciprocal reading task: agriculture and ammonia | 14–16 years
Provide context and help build cultural and science capital, while improving learners’ reading skills
Effective reading strategies for the chemistry classroom
Try these simple, teacher-tested approaches to build your students’ literacy skills
Separating caffeine | 11–14 years
DART (Directed Activity Related to Text) covering separation techniques, including dissolution, distillation and filtration. Decaffeination provides a great context to add depth to a sequence of lessons on separation techniques.
Decaffeination – how does it work?
Organic solvent, supercritical carbon dioxide or water? A knowledge of solvents and solutions is essential for removing caffeine from your daily cuppa
Job profile
Executive editor, scientific publishing
Katie uses her chemistry background and works with scientists around the world to advance the chemical sciences by publishing the latest leading research in scientific journals