All Inquiry-based learning articles
How to guarantee student participation and recall
Use this teacher-tested questioning and rehearsal strategy to ensure fully engaged learners
Building literacy skills in science
Follow this guide to introduce and develop your students’ literacy skills in science
Boost scientific inquiry skills with strategies for reading and reflection
Tips to help students effectively design experiments and form researchable questions
The essential elements of a quality science education
Discover the key aspects of science teaching to ensure students are scientifically literate
The fast guide to enquiry-based learning
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about EBL and how to incorporate it into your chemistry lessons
Teaching creative chemistry
It’s not just the arts that are creative, chemistry is too. And it’s an essential element in its teaching
Strategies to boost learning
You’ll be hooked on these approaches to improving the quality of student work
Why I teach chemistry as a creative discipline
Chemistry needs creative approaches and it is possible to teach them
Inquiry-based learning for multidisciplinary programs: a conceptual and practical resource for educators
Integrating IBL into the curricula
Layer by layer
Andrew Turley investigates a build-it-yourself 3D printer you can use in your classroom
The case for inquiry-based learning
Michael Seery continues his critical look at inquiry-based learning
The case against inquiry-based learning
Michael Seery takes a critical look at inquiry-based learning
The carbon dioxide problem
Measuring carbon dioxide from plant debris provides an opportunity for an inquiry-based experiment aimed at 14-15 year olds. Similar experiments are done by soil scientists and ecologists in their efforts to understand the global carbon cycle