All Investigation articles – Page 9
Jets of liquids: the effect of charged plastic on water
Polar covalent bonds, and their affects on water are explored in this open-ended problem.
Identifying four unknown solutions
Allow learner’s the opportunity to devise their own testing protocols to identify chloride ions in four solutions.
Find the chloride
Devise experiments to determine which of five solids is the chloride by using chemicals and apparatus in the laboratory.
Cobalt complexes
Devise structures for cobalt complexes given, decide how to distinguish between the four complexes, and identify some properties that are the same for all four complexes.
Which detergent is best?
Explain two observations related to the production of a jelly-like solid when two detergents were used in combination.
Measuring CO2 from reactions
Use chemicals and apparatus, devise experiments and determine the amount of carbon dioxide that can be obtained from a mixture of two solids
Defining a ‘weak’ acid
Starting from its Ka (or pKa) value, learners calculate as much information as you need to show what is meant by ‘weak’ in weak acid.
Detecting copper in black solids
Devise experiments to identify a black solid sample by using chemicals and apparatus in the laboratory.
Identifying five unknown white solids
Learners are provided with five mystery white solids, and need to devise their own experiments to identify each.
Additional resources - That’s Chemistry!
Additional resources from That’s Chemistry! These resources include: an introduction to the book; information about how to effectively use the concept cartoons included in the book; suggestions on how to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning.
Benchmark tools for resourcing practical work
The Royal Society of Chemistry works with other organisations on science policy education activites. From this work we have produced a set of comprehensive resourcing benchmark tools for teachers and school practitioners to use when planning budgets and equipping classrooms and laboratories.
A guide to writing up your chemical science thesis
This guide aims to give you guidance on how to write your thesis so that your research is showcased at its best. It includes suggestions on how to prepare for writing up and things to consider during the final stages.
How to deal with failure
Nobel Laureates offer their advice on how to get through setbacks and difficult times, based on their experiences throughout their scientific careers. Video: How should you deal with failure martin chalfie Video: If you fail, is it really a failure? – Elizabeth Blackburn ...
Magic writing with sodium nitrate solution
In this experiment, students write a hidden message using invisible ink and watch what happens when a glowing splint touches their message.
Invisible inks
In this experiment, students test a variety of substances to see if they can be used as an invisible ink.
QuantiCorp R&D: new products
This C/PBL resource involves an investigation into catalysis and conducting polymers for the production of biosensors. Students are challenged to develop a biosensor based on a conducting polymer in the context of an R&D department in a high-tech company.
Hwuche-Hwuche bark
Communication skills are an essential part of all university degree courses. In general, communication skills are developed throughout undergraduate courses via a range of activities and many departments already have substantial parts of their course aimed at transferable skills. The book ‘Communicating Chemistry’ contains a number of exercises that can ...
A dip in the dribble: river pollution | context and problem-based learning
A problem solving case study in analytical, environmental and industrial chemistry
A chromate–dichromate equilibrium
Try this class practical to investigate an equilibrium between chromate(VI), dichromate(VI) and hydrogen ions. Includes kit list and safety instructions.