All articles by Nuffield Foundation – Page 4
Equilibria involving carbon dioxide in aqueous solution
Use this demonstration or class practical to illustrate changes to equilibria in carbonated soda water. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Modelling alloys with plasticine
Try this class activity to explore how alloying can be used to change the properties of a metal. Includes kit list and teaching notes.
Determining the relative molecular mass of butane
Use this demonstration to calculate the relative molecular mass of butane using simple apparatus. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Comparing the melting points of solder, tin and lead
Test the melting points of lead, tin and solder to investigate solder as a solid mixture and alloy in this practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
What ions cause hardness in water?
Investigate how different cations and anions in dissolved salts affect the formation of a lather in this experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Carbon filtration and activated charcoal
Try this practical to remove objectionable tastes and odours from water using carbon in the form of activated charcoal. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Separating salts from seawater
Try this simple practical to show that seawater contains a mixture of different salts. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
What makes a substance acidic?
Try these experiments to investigate acidity and learn how the acidic properties of some substances require water. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
A microscale oxidation of alcohols
Use this practical to investigate the oxidation reactions of various alcohols with acidified potassium dichromate. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Extracting copper from copper(II) carbonate
Use this practical to produce copper from copper(II) carbonate, modelling the extraction of copper from malachite. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Catalysing the reaction of sodium thiosulfate and hydrogen peroxide
Illustrate the effect of a catalyst as sodium thiosulfate is oxidised by hydrogen peroxide in this demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Investigating the role of water in acidity
Try this practical or demonstration to explore the importance of water for acidity using hydrogen chloride and methylbenzene. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Making esters from alcohols and acids
Investigate the reactions between a range of alcohols and acids by producing a variety of esters in this class experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
The chemistry of cooking potatoes
Use this class practical to investigate what happens to potatoes and potato cells when they are boiled. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Urea-methanal polymerisation
Explore condensation polymerisation by creating and investigating the properties of a thermosetting polymer in this demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
A chromate–dichromate equilibrium
Try this class practical to investigate an equilibrium between chromate(VI), dichromate(VI) and hydrogen ions. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Modelling the greenhouse effect
Use this demonstration to illustrate the greenhouse effect and the role of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Universal indicator ‘rainbow’
Try this demonstration to create a rainbow effect using universal indicator, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Heating chocolate and egg
Use this practical to introduce students to physical and chemical changes and the safe use of Bunsen burners. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
A reversible reaction of hydrated copper(II) sulfate
A class practical which investigates the reversible reaction of hydrated copper(II) sulfate. Includes kit list and safety instructions.