All Problem solving articles – Page 3
Conceptual peer-to-peer questioning improves learning
Get the cogs turning for successful learning by encouraging the right kind of student interactions
How to help students identify electrophiles and nucleophiles
Use evidence-based research and teaching tips to solidify understanding of reaction mechanisms
Practical planning: spot the mistakes | 14–16 years
Use these exam-style questions to check your learners’ understanding of experimental skills and strategies
Help students solve problems by using models
Improve learners problem-solving skills in the classroom and in life
Using multiple models in science | 14–16 years
Interpret and evaluate multiple models of a molecule of hydrogen to develop understanding and discuss limitations of models in science
Drawing to embed complex chemical concepts
Discover how drawing diagrams can help boost student understanding
Toxic socks: nanotechnology, ethics and society | 11–14 years
Use the example of nanotechnology in socks to introduce ethics in science with this structured practice debate
Developing critical thinking skills
Use real-world context to help your students adopt a holistic problem-solving approach
Help students apply the right concepts in chemistry
How your students can use decision trees to improve exam success
Combatting plastic pollution in class
Bring the fight against plastic pollution to your classroom with these hands-on resources from Common Seas
Creating a culture of error
Use these 5 teacher-tested tips to help your students learn (and grow) from their mistakes
Improve students’ understanding of stereoisomers with these evidence-based ideas
Discover three effective methods to help your students understand molecular rotations
Tweak your questions to improve students’ problem-solving skills
How changing the format of practice questions can improve learners’ skills
Escape the classroom: and try microscale chemistry
Escape room puzzles based on simple microscale reactions for students
Empower learners to own their success
Foster questioning and analytical thinking in the classroom
Teach electrochemical cells using number grids
Make explaining electrochemical cells and calculating potentials simple with number grids
Should we let students write on tables?
Use this handy technique to effectively engage disinterested learners
Growing decision trees
Use this essential learning aid to help students solve complex chemistry problems