All Resource articles – Page 11

  • Ice cream cones

    Analysing ice cream | 11–14 years


    A data analysis exercise for 11–14-year-old learners based on an experiment to measure how the amount of milk fat affects the viscosity of ice cream. Learners will draw graphs, describe trends in the data and identify variables

  • A photo of two take-away coffee cups

    Separating caffeine | 11–14 years

    DART (Directed Activity Related to Text) covering separation techniques, including dissolution, distillation and filtration. Decaffeination provides a great context to add depth to a sequence of lessons on separation techniques. 

  • Two girls carrying out a chemistry experiment in a classroom

    Chemistry in Curriculum for Wales – planning support


    Guidance, including a skills template and worked example, to support teachers with curriculum planning and progression within the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Expertise from Curriculum for Wales, progression step 4.

  • A photo of a PVC model and the PVC chemical structure written in a notebook

    Puzzling polymers | 14–16 years

    A matching activity worksheet using clues to identify and name repeating polymers based on their chemical structure

  • A close up photo of a care label in a green shirt saying 100% polyester

    ‘Life would be unrecognisable without plastic’ | 11–16 years

    A worksheet including three classroom activities to evaluate the role plastic plays in everyday life

  • A photo of a hand in a latex glove holding a conical flask of white powder with a damp piece of wood stuck to its base

    Explaining observations in energetics quiz | 11–14


    Get your 11–14 students applying their rates of reactions knowledge to new contexts

  • An illustration of Earth, a thermometer, a forest fire and a polluting factory

    Carbon cycle lesson plan


    Use this lesson plan to structure a lesson on the carbon cycle at 11–14

  • An illustration of the carbon cycle

    Carbon cycle game


    Students take on the role of a carbon atom as it cycles through the Earth to better understand the carbon cycle

  • Black and white photo of the Titanic

    Titanic investigations

    A series of short videos to illustrate practical science activities from the Primary Science Teaching Trust. The videos explore changes of state and are based on the story of the Titanic.

  • Picture of a footballer and astronaut nearly colliding in mid-air

    City Science Stars

    Engaging practical science activities for 9-11 year olds from the Primary Science Teaching Trust. Download lesson plans and other support materials for activities with links to football, other sports and space.

  • Photo of the Jurassic Coast in southern England

    Big Jurassic Classroom

    A downloadable book, teacher guides and activity packs from the Primary Science Teaching Trust and Jurassic Coast Trust. Use these to support the teaching of rocks, fossils and evolution, and bring the wonder of the Jurassic Coast into your classroom.

  • Advert for PSTT's starters for science videos

    Starters for science

    A series of short videos from the Primary Science Teaching Trust to support with get started with practical science enquiry. The activities require minimal resources and can be used in school or at home.

  • Advert for Science fun at home resources from the PSTT and Science Sparks.

    Science Fun at Home

    Simple and engaging practical science activities from the Primary Science Teaching Trust. These are open ended, adaptable for any age and include linked follow up activities.

  • Completed colour by pH colouring sheets and felt tip pens

    Colour by pH


    Introduce learners to the pH scale and the Universal Indicator chart by using these colour by number worksheets. 

  • A table of different questioning words with lab equipment cartoons behind

    The ‘broken’ practical approach


    Take this approach to practical work to ensure students are learning, not just doing

  • A photo of small bottles and spot plates

    Microscale technicians in trouble! investigation


    Some solutions have been mixed up – help the technicians work out which is which

  • A photo of a woman holding a menstrual cup and a tampon

    Period products | 14–16 years


    Complete a life-cycle assessment for three period products: tampons, period pads and menstrual cups. Ask learners to use their judgement to recommend the product with the least environmental impact

  • logo for edible experiments showing cartoon foods in flasks and test tubes

    Edible experiments

    Discover the importance of chemistry in everyday eating experiences with this collection of edible experiments. 

  • Group of primary pupils siting on the floor

    Kitchen science podcasts

    Use these short podcasts to introduce children to the chemistry all around them in their kitchen.

  • Someone tying up their ice skates while sitting on ice

    That’s Chemistry!

    Discover the informative chapters of That’s Chemistry! Each chapter explains a chemistry concept and gives numerous ideas for activites to support students’ learning.