The discovery of buckminsterfullerene, the third allotrope of carbon.
The discovery of buckminsterfullerene podcast
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The discovery of buckminsterfullerene, the third allotrope of carbon.
2020-12-14T12:27:00Z By Ian Farrell
Use this infographic with your 14–16 classes to boost their knowledge of diamond, graphite, graphene and fullerenes
The story of the discovery of the Hall-Heroult process for purifying aluminium.
2025-03-24T13:14:00Z By Kristy Turner
What implications will this have for the curriculum and for teachers?
By Louise Glynn
Identify and address common misconceptions on this topic with diagnostic questions based on the calculations and their impact on sustainability
Use scaffolded prompts to support learners to write about changes of state
Identify learning gaps and misconceptions with this set of worksheets offering three levels of support
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