All Scheme of work articles
Boost learners’ knowledge retrieval with cognitive science
A successful strategy to transform the teaching and learning of disciplinary and substantive knowledge into a more effective and enjoyable experience
Longer classes: what’s the verdict?
Discover why one school has switched to fewer, longer lessons in a school day – and how it’s going
How teachers are overcoming the challenges of assignments in Scotland
Teacher Laura Scoular considers what the reintroduction means for teaching staff and students
Successful strategies for sequencing knowledge
Discover how to effectively develop your students’ knowledge and skills by sequencing practical activities
5 ways to teach elements, compounds and mixtures at 11–14
Use these teacher-tested ideas to ensure your students don’t get mixed up about chemical substances
Top tips to boost the effectiveness of assessments
Revisit and revise them regularly to make sure they’re telling what you need to know when you need to know itÂ
Modelling trends in periodicity
How to use models to help your students get on top of periodic trends
Building effective schemes of work
Use these four tips to focus on what really matters when developing a curriculum
Putting sustainability at the centre of the chemistry curriculum
Find out how a London school has strategically arranged chemistry curriculum topics to focus on sustainability
What curriculum reform means for you and your chemistry students
Chemistry teachers welcome science curriculum development
Help students transition from primary to secondary
It’s tough growing into a new identity as a secondary school student. Here’s how teachers can help ease the transformation
Why I love the Curriculum for Wales 2022
Learn why one teacher is fully embracing the journey to realise the new curriculum in Wales
Pam rydw i’n caru’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru 2022
Dysgwch pam mae un athrawes yn croesawu’r daith i wireddu’r cwricwlwm newydd yng Nghymru
Using cognitive science for more effective lesson planning
Take advantage of how the mind works and improve learning outcomes
Cemeg yn y Cwricwlwm i Gymru – cynllunio cefnogaeth
Canllawiau, gan gynnwys templed sgiliau ac enghraifft gwaith, i gefnogi athrawon gyda threfnu’r cwricwlwm a chynnydd ym Maes Dysgu ac Arbenigedd Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg y Cwricwlwm i Gymru, cam cynnydd 4.
Are misconceptions on your RADAAR?
How to use the EEF’s RADAAR framework to help you better consider misconceptions when planning your lessons and curriculums
Chemistry in Curriculum for Wales – planning support
Guidance, including a skills template and worked example, to support teachers with curriculum planning and progression within the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Expertise from Curriculum for Wales, progression step 4.