All Analysis articles – Page 5
Why titrate?
A chemistry teacher wanted to know why professional chemists carry out titrations …
Analysis of cave paintings
In this practical, student gain an understanding of how cave painters may have used the natural rock formation to paint the animals and scenes onto them and how later painters have continued with this tradition.
HPLC-free synthesis slashes protein production time
Tagging system may make building biologically relevant proteins faster, cheaper and greener
Chemistry and food security
This context/problem-based learning (C/PBL) resource is part of a collection we have commissioned for you to use with your undergraduate students. This 5 credit module is based on the following scenario:This resource will give your students an introduction to food safety and DNA analysis. It is based on DNA and ...
To boldly go where no analytical instrument has gone before
Nina Notman meets the chemist behind the mass spectrometer onboard the Philae lander
Identifying six unknown solutions
Devise experiments to label six numbered solutions correctly using chemicals and apparatus in the laboratory.
Identifying three unknown white solids
Devise experiments to label three white solids correctly by using chemicals and apparatus in the laboratory.
What compound? Identify and analyse
Learners can devise their own testing system to identify the nature of a mystery compound.
Identifying four unknown solutions
Allow learner’s the opportunity to devise their own testing protocols to identify chloride ions in four solutions.
Finding the right ionic compound
Devise a procedure to identify four solids and then use this to carry out the identification.
Find the chloride
Devise experiments to determine which of five solids is the chloride by using chemicals and apparatus in the laboratory.
Carbon and copper oxide
Create tests to identify carbon and copper oxide, using knowledge of acids, redox reactions, and metal oxides.
Detecting copper in black solids
Devise experiments to identify a black solid sample by using chemicals and apparatus in the laboratory.
Identifying five unknown white solids
Learners are provided with five mystery white solids, and need to devise their own experiments to identify each.
Streamwatch - a UK water analysis science project
The resource provides access to a water analysis kit and instructions on how to use these. Using this resource provides teachers with great potential to engaging students and enable them to see the purpose and benefits of chemical analysis. The resource could be used for project work and is particularly ...
Scaling new peaks
Nina Notman admires the plethora of different uses for the separation techniques known collectively as chromatography
Chemists identify taste ‘blueprint’ for parmesan cheese
The compounds that make the Italian cheese unique have been pinpointed by food scientists
Periodic table gains four new elements
Teams in Japan, Russia and the US credited with discoveries