All Differentiation articles
Electrochemical cells misconception buster | 16–18 years
Probe learners’ knowledge of setting up electrochemical cells, redox equations and calculations
6 steps to successful science lab groups
Improve students’ behaviour and teamwork, and see them take pride in their chemistry practicals
Where to start with teach-to-the-top differentiation
Don’t limit your students: try this approach and provide everyone the support they need to reach the top
Allotropes of carbon
Use this infographic with your 14–16 classes to boost their knowledge of diamond, graphite, graphene and fullerenes
Finding a greener concrete
Use these differentiated, synpoptic worksheets to assess students’ recall of the properties and uses of materials
How to use hinge point questions effectively
They can help both you and your students learn – but what are hinge questions, and when should you ask them?
Six tips for teaching chemical formulas
Formulas are chemistry’s vocabulary so let’s learn from modern foreign language teaching techniques
How to support students with autism spectrum disorder
Some simple things you can do to help them
How to make effective interventions
Try a pinchpoint approach to diagnose and address the reasons for learners’ mistakes in school science
Learning difficulties and chemistry
Use these tips to make your lessons inclusive, engaging and memorable
Straight talk
Jo Moules cuts through the confusion and gets to the heart of formative assessment
The language of chemistry
Tom Husband gives an insider’s view of teaching chemistry to students for whom English is not their first language
The Mole
Online discussion
US researchers report on an online discussion system which is designed to integrate and support scientific discussions within the classroom