All Earth science articles
Help learners understand Earth’s atmosphere
Stratospheric success guaranteed when you use this poster, fact sheet and resource with your 11–14 year-old learners
Teaching Earth’s resources
Everything you need to help your 11–14 learners grasp the importance of finite and renewable resources
How to teach the Earth’s structure for younger students
Get to the core of the Earth’s composition with this poster, fact sheet and classroom activity
Teaching the rock cycle
Cement your younger students’ understanding of how rocks are formed with this poster and game
Topic web
Uisce a spáráil agus truailliú i dtimthriall an uisce | 7–9 mbliana
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi uisce agus timthriall an uisce le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicà seo, moltar gnÃomhaÃochtaà ranga a bhaineann le truailliú i dtimthriall an uisce, an chaoi a nglantar uisce agus an chaoi a n-úsáidfimis nÃos lú uisce.
Topic web
Arbed dŵr a llygredd yn y cylch dŵr | 7–9 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch dŵr a’r cylch dŵr â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn awgrymu gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth ynghylch llygredd yn y cylch dŵr, sut mae dŵr yn cael ei lanhau a sut gallwn ni ddefnyddio llai ohono.
Topic web
Saving water and pollution in the water cycle | 7–9 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on water and the water cycle to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities on pollution in the water cycle, how water is cleaned and how we can use less of it.
Meteorite chemistry
What is a meteorite made of? Studying the composition of meteors allows scientists to look back billions of years to before the birth of the solar system
How to teach the carbon cycle at 11–14
Ensure your students have a firm understanding of the chemistry behind climate change
Carbon cycle lesson plan
Use this lesson plan to structure a lesson on the carbon cycle at 11–14
Carbon cycle game
Students take on the role of a carbon atom as it cycles through the Earth to better understand the carbon cycle
Why you need A-level chemistry to study geology
Knowledge of chemistry topics such as isotopes, analytical techniques and earth science is essential for studying geology
Big Jurassic Classroom
A downloadable book, teacher guides and activity packs from the Primary Science Teaching Trust and Jurassic Coast Trust. Use these to support the teaching of rocks, fossils and evolution, and bring the wonder of the Jurassic Coast into your classroom.
Rock cycle board game
A simple board game to help students avoid the common misconception that there is only one set path through the rock cycle
How to teach the chemistry of the rock cycle at 11–14
Develop your teaching practice with the ultimate guide to teaching the chemistry of the rock cycle including resources, misconceptions and teaching ideas
Drawing a scale model of the Earth
Help students visualise the structure of the Earth and boost their confidence with plotting information on scales
How to teach earth science at 11–14
Use real-life examples and historical information to help students get to grips with the structure and composition of the Earth
Chemical analysis reveals origin of Pompeian mosaic tiles
Portable spectrometers shed light on the materials used in ancient Roman mosaics
Finding out how much salt there is in seawater
Use the microscale titration apparatus to titrate silver nitrate solution against sea water