All Misconceptions articles – Page 5
Chemical misconceptions II: Precipitation
Discover more about ionic bonding, and how dissolving into solutions can effect bonds.
Chemical misconceptions II: Definitions in chemistry
This exercise gives students an opportunity to discuss and give a critique of a selection of definitions (from various sources) of the most basic chemical terms
Chemical misconceptions II: Revising the periodic table
A comprehensive exercise to support learners as they explore the Periodic Table, and build their knowledge base.
Chemical misconceptions II: Mass and dissolving
This exercise is primarily aimed at the 11–14 age range, to discover more about dissolving solids in liquids.
Chemical misconceptions II: Revising acids
Use concept mapping as a technique to give learners the best opportunity to study acids and alkalis. Providing a comprehensive self study guide to the topic.
Chemical misconceptions II: Interactions
Support students to explore more forms of interactions between bonds, identify, and explain them.
Chemical misconceptions II: An analogy for the atom
Discover more around the solar system analogy for the structure of an atom. Looking closer at their similarities and differences.
Chemical misconceptions II: Spot the bonding
This activity asks learners to explore their knowledge of different bonding types, through diagrams of 18 bonds.
Chemical misconceptions II: Ionic bonding
Check the understanding of ionic bonding in your class, and use this activity to develop learner’s knowledge base.
Chemical misconceptions II: Changes in chemistry
Explore chemical and physical change in chemistry, explain what each mean, and classify examples of these changes.
Chemical misconceptions II: Predicting the melting temperature of carbon
Explore and explain the melting temperature of carbon, and the relationship between structure and properties.
Chemical misconceptions II: Reaction mechanisms
Reaction mechanisms are an important part of understanding chemical interactions. This activity helps learners to identify them.
Chemical misconceptions II: Hydrogen fluoride
Explore hydrogen fluoride, discuss its chemical reaction and encourage learners to think about why the reaction takes place.
Chemical misconceptions II: Stability and reactivity
Explore chemical stability and reactivity with learners, and test their knowledge base with a diagram and questions.
Chemical misconceptions II: Word equations
Complete study into word equations, and explore acid reactions to metals, alkalis, and carbonates as well as synthetic reactions.
Chemical misconceptions II: Chemical stability
Explore seven triads of chemical species and understand the stability between the three examples.
Chemical misconceptions I: Constructing chemical conceptions
Explore and review the principles of constructivist teaching.
Chemical misconceptions I: Chemical bonding
Some of alternative ideas are considered in this chapter, with suggestions for improving the teaching of chemical bonding.
Chemical misconceptions I: Chemical structure
Explore the structure of atoms, and get a clearer idea of how to present atoms to learners through analogy.
Chemical misconceptions II: Types of chemical reaction
Explore learner’s knowledge on types of chemical reactions, and strengthen their prior skills with an in-depth worksheet.