All Organic chemistry articles
Exam board issues unprecedented statement about the inductive effect
What implications will this have for the curriculum and for teachers?
Carboxylic acids | Review my learning worksheets | 14–16 years
Identify learning gaps and misconceptions with this set of worksheets offering three levels of support
How to teach organic mechanisms using roleplay
Improve your students’ understanding of one of post-16 chemistry’s trickiest topics
A practical investigation of cis-trans isomerism in transition metal complexes
Investigate isomerism in transition metal complexes with this experiment, including pre- and post-lab questions
Alcohols | Review my learning worksheets | 14–16 years
Identify learning gaps and misconceptions with this set of worksheets offering three levels of support
Everything you need to introduce alkenes
Help your 14–16 learners to master the fundamentals of the reactions of alkenes with these ideas and activities
Fractional distillation and hydrocarbons | Review my learning worksheets | 14–16 years
Identify learning gaps and misconceptions with this set of worksheets offering three levels of support
Paracetamol book | The extraction and purification of paracetamol from tablets
How pure is paracetamol? This practical lets learners distil tablets and answer that very question
Paracetamol book | Using thin-layer chromatography to investigate the reactions
In this activity you investigate the purity and identity of your laboratory prepared samples of nitrophenol or paracetamol using thin-layer chromatography
Paracetamol book | Background information
Explore the key elements of paracetamol, and lay a strong foundation of background information.
Paracetamol book | The quantitative analysis of various formulations of paracetamol
An experiment to show learners to analyse several different formulations of paracetamol and create and quantitative judgment of them.
Paracetamol book | The formation of an amide
Explore the formation of an amide with this practical experiment suitable for learners ages 16-18
Paracetamol book | Presentation activity
Learners put their audio and visual skills to use, on the topic of paracetamol, with this guide on creating a compelling presentation
Linking energy, structure and reactivity
Discover how students reason about energy and chemical structure – and how to boost their understanding
Bonding workshop | Chemistry for All project | 14–16 years
A series of activites, demonstrations and experiments exploring simple covalent molecules and hydrocarbons
The aspirin story | 16–18 years
Find out about the discovery and use of aspirin with this research and presentation task for groups of 16–18 year-old learners
Thin-layer chromatography and analgesics | 16–18 years
Explore the use of painkillers and their other effects: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
The preparation of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid | 16–18 years
Heat, react, convert and separate oil of wintergreen to create 2-hydroxybenzoic acid. Includes kit list and safety instructions