All Origins of life articles
From sulfur dioxide to atmospheric oxygen
Early Earth’s oxygen surge could be partly thanks to volcanic sulfur dioxide
Volcanoes, meteorites and catalysts for life’s origins
Unveiling the role of early Earth’s atmosphere in forming reactive organic molecules
Why you need A-level chemistry to study geology
Knowledge of chemistry topics such as isotopes, analytical techniques and earth science is essential for studying geology
To boldly go where no analytical instrument has gone before
Nina Notman meets the chemist behind the mass spectrometer onboard the Philae lander
The origin of life
How did molecules turn into living organisms? Paul MacLellan investigates
The ascent of molecules
Life's molecular origins might not be preserved in the fossil record but, as Laura Howes finds out, chemists are working to fill in the gaps
The Mole
Information hidden in fossils – Philip Robinson finds out what dinosaurs ate for dinner
Molybdenum and evolution
Recent discoveries indicate that our atmosphere was not always oxygen rich - molybdenum could have been the limiting factor in the evolution of life on earth