All Pollution articles – Page 5
Oil sands process water: diamonds not so forever
This C/PBL resource is designed to help students discover what organic chemicals are present in the waste water which is produced during the processing of oil sands, and analytically assess these potentially toxic organic chemicals.
The greenhouse effect and global warming
An activity worksheet to test student understanding of global warming.
Other greenhouse gases
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause a rise in global temperature. This worksheet looks at some data from other greenhouse gases to see if they have the same effect.
Mario Molina puts ozone on the political agenda
A set of resources on Mario Molina’s work on ozone and its impact on global politics.
The Mole
Tara McKernan: Wastewater treatment scientific officer
Tara tells Katrina Krämer how her curiosity about chemistry helps her keep rivers clean
Future Climates - activity page
Provoking activities to stimulate thinking about our climate in the future.
Air pollution: a sinister synergy
New insight into the mechanisms by which nitrogen dioxide and ozone damage the human respiratory tract
Google Science Fair: shortlist announced
Final 15 entries in student science competition highlight chemistry
Pollutant detection and remediation
Case-study involving the development of adsorption and photocatalysis experiments to study the removal of a pollutant from waste-water. This resource and its components are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
On This Day - Jan 10 : Cottrell was born
Cottrell was a physical chemist who invented a way to remove particles such as smoke or lead oxides (PbxOy) from the air. This electrostatic precipitator is still in use as an efficient method for reducing air pollution.
Challenging Plants: Phytomanagement
As well as improving the appearance of our environment, plants have much to offer in terms of phytoremediation (in its many forms), phytoextraction and the potential of using plants to mine metals. This resource is designed to help students realise this potential knowledge and understand the key underpinning scientific ...
The Mole
Adventurous science
Experimentation and exploration go hand in hand as Zoë Fleming takes to the field in the Arctic
Sewage Pollution: A Case Study
A laboratory investigation of sewage pollution based around a case study. Students analyse for various so-called biomarkers in soil samples and assess for likely sources of contamination.
On This Day - Nov 03 : Antifouling paint patent
It was made from a mixture of a copper oxide (CuO), tar and naphtha, and offered protection against growth of barnacles and seaweed for twelve months. There are now concerns that copper oxide based antifouling paints are environmental pollutants, and replacements are being introduced.
28 chemistry puzzles for 11-14 years
Try these sudoku-style chemistry puzzles for 11–14 year olds to reinforce your students’ understanding of key ideas, featuring printable worksheets and answers.
The evolution of catalytic converters
From early smog problems to modern concerns about air pollution, catalysts pave the way in controlling the emissions from combustion engines
Lesson plan
How do car exhaust gases impact the environment? | 16-18 years
Explore the origin and environmental impact of pollutants in car exhaust emissions using peer-assessed writing in this lesson plan for 16–18 year olds.