Learn how to purify water and test it to see if it is potable
Potable water means ‘safe to drink’. In this practical students will learn how to purify water so that it is safe to drink.
Mrs Peers-Dent of Malmesbury Educationpurifies ‘seawater’ (sodium chloride solution), using a flame test to test for sodium ions and a precipitate test to test for chloride ions before and after the distillation. If you are going to carry out this practical in a school laboratory, the CLEAPSS guidance does require the use of anti-bumping granules which are not included in this video.
Also check out
- Analytical chemists, Thames Water – put these skills to work in a real life situation, linked to careers in chemistry.
- What happens when I flush the loo? – find out how advances in water treatment mean that waste water is recycled.
- Precious water – new off-grid water treatment technologies are saving lives supplying clean water where there are no taps or pipes.
Additional information
We have collated these videos of key practical experiments to support remote teaching as part of our response to Covid-19. Teachers requested resources to help them deliver practical content without access to laboratories or equipment. We are developing further resources and welcome feedback to help us produce those you most need. Please email us or use the comment section below.
Practical videos | 14–16 years
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Potable water
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