All Resource articles – Page 48

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    Were Ancient Greek statues white or coloured?

    Renaissance artists studied the sculptures and monuments of Greece and Rome and emulated them in their own work, ie they imitated the art. This perspective of art has echoed down the centuries to influence the appearance of Western art and architecture today.

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    The Titan project

    This problem-based case study concerns the location of a titanium dioxide plant and evaluation of analytical methods. Students are asked to act as the management team at the plant and produce a five-year plan for the site.

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    QuantiCorp R&D: new products

    In association with

    This C/PBL resource involves an investigation into catalysis and conducting polymers for the production of biosensors. Students are challenged to develop a biosensor based on a conducting polymer in the context of an R&D department in a high-tech company. 

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    The chemistry of energy: case study

    In association with

    This resource is a group case study which guides students through some of the key chemical aspects of power generation, the distribution of energy and the relationship between science and policy. It’s a contextualised introduction to the application of several key chemical concepts such as thermodynamics to real world situations. ...

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    Oil sands process water: diamonds not so forever

    In association with

    This C/PBL resource is designed to help students discover what organic chemicals are present in the waste water which is produced during the processing of oil sands, and analytically assess these potentially toxic organic chemicals.

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    Chemistry's interfaces: geochemical

    In association with

    This C/PBL resource is an introduction to geochemistry in the context of the geological and archaeological record. It is based on the following question: What would the geochemical record of human activities and civilisation be in the geochemical record of the future?

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    Design your own fireworks show

    This C/PBL resource asks undergraduate students to design, organise and run a simluated fireworks display. It is intended to support the development of key transferable skills in a discipline-specific context and requires some basic undergraduate chemistry knowledge. This resource includes an activity pack containing worksheets, briefing papers and presentations, allowing ...

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    When chewing gum loses its flavour

    In association with

    This probelm-based learning resource is designed to help students to develop approaches which might lead to the discovery of what some of the unwanted tastes and smells in a specific foodstuff and how the causes of these could be tested for using analytical chemistry techniques. Chewing gum has been ...

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    Oral communication skills - Presentation exercise

    This resource focuses on oral presentations and outlines an exercise students can do to develop their oral communication skills. The scenario used in the exercise is giving a presentation as part of a company’s annual review process. 

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    Hwuche-Hwuche bark

    Communication skills are an essential part of all university degree courses. In general, communication skills are developed throughout undergraduate courses via a range of activities and many departments already have substantial parts of their course aimed at transferable skills. The book ‘Communicating Chemistry’ contains a number of exercises that can ...

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    Pale horse: analytical chemistry & forensics

    This problem-based case study sets analytical chemistry within the context of a forensic investigation of a suspicious death. 

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    Launch-a-Lab: analyse organic pollutants

    This problem-based case study involves tendering for a large contract to analyse the organic pollutants in ground water from Midshire River Authority. Students act as part of STS Contract Analysis Ltd., the company applying for the contract. 

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    A dip in the dribble: river pollution | context and problem-based learning

    A problem solving case study in analytical, environmental and industrial chemistry

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    Small materials to solve big problems: nanochemistry

    In association with

    This context based case study investigates the use of nanomaterials for the development of commercial applications in the areas of medicine, materials and environment. It covers the synthesis, characterisation and application of nanomaterials in a variety of contexts. As part of the resource students are asked to investigate the use ...

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    Faster greener chemistry?

    This context-based case study is laboratory-based and focuses on the synthesis, characterisation and evaluation of up to nine manganese(III) salen complexes that are employed as catalysts in the oxidation of alkenes. The approach used in this case study ensures learners work collaboratively and allows for the development of transferrable employability ...

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    Future Cities project

    Set your learners a problem-based case study with a sustainable development project

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    First Year Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory Course Manual 2011-2012

    Student laboratory manuals to support first year undergraduate practicals of Core Chemistry 1A or Core Chemistry 1A and 1B courses at Durham University.

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    Ethical guidelines & code of conduct for authors


    This webpage provides general guidance to authors on their responsibilities and the code of conduct they should follow when submitting to a Royal Society of Chemistry journal. It also describes what are considered to be conflicts of interest, and outlines our policy on human and animal welfare.This guidance is suitable ...

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    PPLATO Maths & Physics resources portal


    This resource links to the PPLATO Maths & Physics resources portal. The resources on this portal look at a number of different mathematical topics, including maths topics that correspond to different areas of science.  

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    Curve sketching - Advanced maths


    Sketching the curve of a rational function, f(t)= t^2/(t+3), is discussed in this screen capture video.  Video: Curve sketching