Online course | Business Skills for Chemists

A photograph of a woman working at home in front of her laptop, turning to write something in a notebook

Source: © Getty Images

Explore the lectures and interviews in this short online course to build on your chemistry studies and develop key business and entrepreneurial skills.

Are you interested in joining a large multinational company after you graduate? Or perhaps you’d rather be part of a growing entrepreneurial startup? Whatever your ambition, this short online course is designed to help you identify and develop the skills you need to pursue a career in business.

From planning and project management to finance, intellectual property and product design, learn about key business skills through a combination of video lectures and interviews based on the chemical industry.

Whether you’re learning remotely or studying in your own time, explore the resources and start preparing for a future in business after your chemistry degree.

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A photograph of a teacher standing in a white lab coat, speaking with a class of children in a laboratory, is superimposed on a colourful background. Text reads "Teach Chemistry means support for classroom and staff room".

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  • unlimited access to resources, core practical videos and Education in Chemistry articles
  • teacher well-being toolkit, personal development resources and online assessments
  • applications for funding to support your lessons

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