Science research news - extracts for your class – Page 4
Cooling homes with an endothermic reaction
Looking at the use of ammonium nitrate in a new and renewable cooling process
Sunlight produces thousands of compounds from plastic
Scientists dispel the theory that sunlight exposure simply fragments macroplastics that persist in the environment, but what are the implications for the environment?
What’s carbon dioxide got to do with it?
Examining the role that CO₂ plays in the supermarket’s empty shelves
A carbon allotrope that can scratch diamond
The amorphous carbon material created from buckminsterfullerene
Graphene veil prevents fading
Atomically-thin graphene lattices are being used as a barrier against ageing
Leaded petrol still poisoning London’s air
20 years after it was banned, leaded petrol remains a significant contributor to air pollution in the UK’s capital
How microbes convert waste plastic bottles into vanillin
Show students how chemistry is upcycling plastic monomers into higher value alternative products
A 3D-printed material replacing elephant ivory
Show your students a new context when studying composite materials and thermosetting polymers
The whitest white paint ever is also the coolest
How paint made with barium sulfate could reduce the need for air conditioning
Ceramic nanoparticles help mould glass into any shape
Get students to compare the properties of glass and plastic polymers
Slashing emissions with polymer fashion
Show students the high performance fabric that’s made from waste plastic and is cutting the carbon footprint of the fashion industry
The exceptional alloy that’s resisting corrosion
Could stainless magnesium replace aluminium in cars and aeroplanes? This calcium–magnesium alloy has implications for carbon emissions
Recycling lithium from electric vehicle batteries
Start a lesson with news of a mechanochemical recovery method that’s better for the environment
Carbon dioxide catalysis making jet fuel
Use this starter slide to begin your lessons on catalysts or ways of reducing global warming
How ancient Maya peoples made potable water
Use this starter slide to begin your lessons on drinking water and water treatment with some historical context
Nanoparticle starves cancer cells of copper
Start your lesson with this starter slide on one medicinal application of nanotechnology
Generating high value chemicals
Plastic waste could be upcycled into a chemical that is more valuable than the original plastic
Seeding the ocean against climate change
Volcanic ash could be a key ingredient to sequester carbon dioxide