All Analytical chemistry articles – Page 7

  • Question marks in flask

    Problem based practical activities

    Discover how chemistry can relate to real world problems, so students can put their science knowledge into context. 

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    Develop your students’ knowledge and understanding of analytical techniques with the help of games, activities, practicals and demonstrations.

  • Phosphate analyser

    The impossible water sensor


    Hundreds of different chemicals can ruin our water, so measuring their levels is vital. Josh Howgego investigates whether building sensors that can do the job cheaply and remotely will ever be possible

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    Dual personality of light caught on camera


    Is it a wave or is it a particle? We might know the answer, (Spoiler alert: it’s both!) but it is reassuring nonetheless to see the pictures that prove it, says Nina Notman

  • Wine image

    Vintage titrations: tannin in wine

    Explore Redox titrations using potassium manganate(VII), with this tannin experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Titration apparatus

    Vintage titrations: sulfur dioxide concentrations in wine

    Explore redox titrations using iodine, and discover the sulfur dioxide concentrations in wine. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Vredefort Dome

    Identifying extraterrestrial materials


    Meteorites can be bought cheaply online and offer an excellent laboratory teaching tool, explain Luis Lahuerta Zamora, Salvador Lahuerta Zamora and Ana Mellado Romero

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    A comet starts to tell its watery tale


    Nina Notman probes what measurements taken onboard the Rosetta spacecraft mean for our understanding of the origin of water on Earth

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    Ri Christmas Lectures® 2012: Group 1 Flame Tests

    In association with

    A teaching resource on the group 1 flame tests, supported by video clips based around the Royal Institution 2012 Christmas Lectures® Video: Group 1 flame tests Video: Lithium flame test Video: Sodium Flame Test Video: Potassium ...

  • Page of a manuscript showing coloured letters and images
    The Mole

    The monks’ tales


    Kathryn Roberts looks at how modern spectroscopy lets us discover the secrets of 1500-year-old manuscripts without leaving the library

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    Teacher’s resource: UV / Visible Spectroscopy

    UV-visible spectroscopy is a technique that readily allows one to determine the concentrations of substances and therefore enables scientists to study the rates of reactions, and determine rate equations for reactions, from which a mechanism can be proposed. As such UV spectroscopy is used extensively in teaching, research and analytical ...

  • IR spectrometer

    IR teacher resources: Infrared spectroscopy

    One of the first scientists to observe infrared radiation was William Herschel in the early 19th century. He noticed that when he attempted to record the temperature of each colour in visible light, the area just beyond red light gave a marked increase in temperature compared to the visible colours. ...

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    Students’ resource: UV / Visible spectroscopy

    UV-visible spectroscopy is a technique that readily allows one to determine the concentrations of substances and therefore enables scientists to study the rates of reactions, and determine rate equations for reactions, from which a mechanism can be proposed. As such UV spectroscopy is used extensively in teaching, research and analytical ...

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    Spectroscopy introduction

    Spectroscopy is the study of the way light (electromagnetic radiation) and matter interact. There are a number of different types of spectroscopic techniques and the basic principle shared by all is to shine a beam of a particular electromagnetic radiation on to a sample and observe how it responds to ...

  • Blue, green, yellow, orange and red light visible from luminescent test tubes against a black background

    Solving a puzzle using spectroscopy | Chemistry Olympiad worked answers

    In association with

    Try this worked example of a Chemistry Olympiad question, identifying a range of compounds using spectroscopy. Includes video walkthrough and transcript.

  • Six conical flasks containing coloured liquid from yellow through to pink

    Schools’ Analyst past papers 2014

    Measure the acidity level of sprite, determine the weight of vitamin C in a tablet or test the copper content of water with these previous Schools’ Analyst competition challenges.

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    Faces of Chemistry – National Gallery

    In association with

    These videos look at how chemical techniques have helped solve the mystery of the Portrait of Alexander Mornauer.

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    Feynman's flowers - Nano scale citizen science.

    By taking part in Feynman’s flowers by crowdcrafting: You could help translate thousands of STM images of molecules for their magnetic properties.

  • Refraction through a triangular prism


    Spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in both the qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances. In this set of activities the focus is on colourimetry, UV/Visible spectrometry and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometry. 

  • MRI images

    Moving the goalposts for MRI


    Lanthanide complexes shift proton NMR signals