All Atmosphere articles – Page 4
On This Day - Oct 11 : Nobel prize for ozone
They were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work on the formation and decomposition of ozone (O3). Their research showed that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) cause holes in the Earth’s protective ozone layer.
On This Day – Aug 11 : Solar eclipse visible
This was the first visible total eclipse from the UK since 29th June 1927. Scientists at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory used the eclipse as an opportunity to carry out experiments on radio waves and investigate the composition of the Earth’s ionosphere.
28 chemistry puzzles for 14-16 years
Use these sudoku-inspired puzzles with printable worksheets and answers to help 14–16 year olds consolidate their understanding of key chemical concepts.
Molybdenum and evolution
Recent discoveries indicate that our atmosphere was not always oxygen rich - molybdenum could have been the limiting factor in the evolution of life on earth
The evolution of catalytic converters
From early smog problems to modern concerns about air pollution, catalysts pave the way in controlling the emissions from combustion engines
Ocean Acidification
Recent evidence suggests that ocean removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is having serious consequences for marine life
CF3SF5 - a 'super' greenhouse gas
Trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluoride - a byproduct of the electronics industry - has been named a 'super' greenhouse gas by physical chemists
The carbon dioxide problem
Measuring carbon dioxide from plant debris provides an opportunity for an inquiry-based experiment aimed at 14-15 year olds. Similar experiments are done by soil scientists and ecologists in their efforts to understand the global carbon cycle
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