All Atmosphere articles – Page 3
How to shrink an ozone hole
How’s the ozone hole actually doing? Ida Emilie Steinmark finds out
Snow soaks up pollutants from engine exhausts
Air quality regulators should consider freezing temperatures and snow
How much oxygen is used when iron wool rusts?
Try this practical to investigate how much oxygen is used in rusting and calculate the percentage of oxygen in air. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Pluto goes under the spectroscope
Nina Notman probes the mission that is boldly going where no spacecraft has gone before
Modelling the greenhouse effect
Use this demonstration to illustrate the greenhouse effect and the role of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Air pollution: a sinister synergy
New insight into the mechanisms by which nitrogen dioxide and ozone damage the human respiratory tract
The Mole
How ice crystals create optical illusions
From light pillars and sun haloes to false suns, explore the mysterious effects ice crystals can produce when they interact with light.
Climate research heats up
Nina Notman meets some of the atmospheric chemists fitting the pieces of the climate change jigsaw together
Atmospheric chemistry by danceroom Spectroscopy (dS)
A series of short videos presented by Dr David Glowacki within an interactive dome called danceroom Spectroscopy (dS).
Google Science Fair: shortlist announced
Final 15 entries in student science competition highlight chemistry
Chemistry Now: Atmospheric chemistry
Look at the way that the Earth’s present atmosphere has evolved from possible earlier atmospheres. Some of the available evidence for different scenarios is presented and critically discussed.
Radical changes in our atmosphere
Dudley Shallcross and Tim Harrison explain how a breakthrough has allowed us to study Criegee biradicals, and what this could mean for atmospheric science
Ri Christmas Lectures® 2012: The Composition of Air
A teaching resource on the Composition of Air, supported by video clips from the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures® 2012. Video: Mixing Air video Video: Altering the Composition of the Air video
It's a Gas: Part 1
A series of short videos of fun demonstrations about the chemistry of the gases in our atmosphere, taken from a lecture by Dr. Peter Wothers of the University of Cambridge. Video: It’s a Gas: 01 - Gases of the Atmosphere Part 1 Video: It’s ...
The Mole
Adventurous science
Experimentation and exploration go hand in hand as Zoë Fleming takes to the field in the Arctic
On This Day – Sep 16 : Montreal Protocol
The treaty agreed that the production and consumption of compounds that depleted ozone (O3) in the stratosphere, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), were to be phased out. The ozone layer is expected to recover by 2050 if agreements are kept.
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