All Biology articles
Covalent structure and bonding in our bodies | In context | 14–16
Put covalent bonding into context with questions about the human body, its composition and the nutrition needed to support human health
Why are some plants poisonous to you and your pets?
Dig up the toxic secrets of nature’s blooms
Why fermented foods are good for your gut – and your teaching
From kimchi to kefir, tuck into the complex chemistry of fermentation and its health potential
Sniffing out the science of smells
What makes a bad smell smell bad? Sniff out the chemical culprits behind obnoxious odours
Exhibition chemistry
Demonstrate concentration and density with a transition metal colloid cell
Boost 11–14 learners’ understanding of diffusion and transition metal chemistry
The many uses of nanomaterials
How scientists are using these chemical marvels to develop new biosensors, food testing systems and functional textiles
The chemistry behind leaves changing colour and falling from trees
Discover what causes the seasonal shift in foliage and how to use this as context when teaching colour changes
Pesticides and agricultural productivity calculations | 14–16 years
Link food security to yield, percentage yield and atom economy
Job profile
Head of toxicology
Fiona leads research to find new ways of testing products without using animals.
Job profile
Head of computational toxicology
George uses computer modelling to make sure products such as food and drink, medicines, pesticides, cosmetics and household products don’t cause harm and haven’t been contaminated by toxic materials
How do fireflies produce light?
Find out how fireflies and other creatures use bioluminescence
Extracting DNA experiment | 11–14 years
Remove and compare genetic material in different plant cells
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Athro Cyswllt, Prifysgol Abertawe
Mae Geertje yn addysgu myfyrwyr prifysgol ac yn arwain y gwaith o ddatblygu deunyddiau sydd wedi’u creu o facteria.
Job profile
Associate professor
Geertje teaches university students and leads the development of materials made from bacteria
The chemistry of iron | 16–18 years
Practice questions give context to transition metal chemistry and equilibria using the examples of haemoglobin and iron
How to solve a murder
Combine chemical analysis and practical activities to crack a crime and engage younger students
Reciprocal reading task: agriculture and ammonia | 14–16 years
Provide context and help build cultural and science capital, while improving learners’ reading skills
Sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems
From synthesising ammonia to keeping your school laboratory green, here’s how to link UN Sustainable development goal 15 to your teaching
The pH scale and the chemistry of ocean acidification | 14–16 years
Worksheet to develop understanding of the pH scale and apply it in the context of ocean acidification. Extension questions provide more challenge on carbonic acid and acid base equilibrium, leading to a research task on the consequences for marine organisms
Antibacterial properties of the halogens | 14–18 years
Use this practical to investigate how solutions of the halogens inhibit the growth of bacteria and which is most effective