In focus – Page 11
The Mole
Fractional crystallisation
Explore how fractional crystallisation can be used to purify mixtures and refine substances using this simple evaporation experiment.
Bark beetles eat Beatle’s memorial tree
Nina Notman discovers at how bark beetles are destroying pine trees at an alarming rate
The Mole
The monks’ tales
Kathryn Roberts looks at how modern spectroscopy lets us discover the secrets of 1500-year-old manuscripts without leaving the library
The Mole
Trade secrets... Explosive detection
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare explores an alternative approach for detecting bombs called nuclear quadrupole resonance
The Mole
Observing chirality and the ‘handedness’ of sugar
Find out more about the molecular property of chirality and try a simple experiment using sucrose to explore ‘handedness’ of sugar yourself.
Chemists on the front line
The UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory has a near century-long history of working with chemical weapons. Philip Robinson reports from Porton Down
MOFs head to market
The most porous manmade materials, metal–organic frameworks, are pushing towards commercialisation. Elinor Hughes tracks their progress
Dutch roads smarten up
Nina Notman explores the possibility of interactive, sustainable highways
The Mole
When chemistry and art collide
From disappearing bottles to catalytic clothing: Josh Howgego investigates how a scientist–artist duo is starting conversations about society’s future
The Mole
Modelling crystal structure using marshmallows
Explore the regular and ordered structure of crystals before modelling them yourself using marshmallows and cocktail sticks in this ‘Avogadro’s lab’ activity.
The Mole
Trade secrets... Curdling of soya milk
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare asks why soya milk tends to form hundreds of floating lumps when added to coffee
Chemical weapon destruction takes float
Nina Notman’s thoughts turn to the chemists preparing to destroy Syria’s chemical arsenal at sea
The Mole
Trade secrets... Neon lights, flicker bulbs and chaos
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare shines a light on randomness
The Mole
Catalytic metals and their uses
Learn about catalysts based on the transition metals and find out how they are used in catalytic converters to clean up exhaust fumes.