In focus – Page 16
Simon Cotton takes a look at those compounds that find themselves in the news or relate to our everyday lives.
Spectroscopy in a Suitcase carries on
The Spectroscopy in a Suitcase project continues to expand and improve
The Mole
100 years of superconductivity
Superconductivity was discovered in 1911, Deirdre Black looks back
The Mole
Claire Wagman: Formulation scientist at Unilever
Clare works on improving the formulation of hair care products. She tells Josh Howgego what it’s like to work on products that are seen on supermarket shelves
Protecting chemical innovations
Researchers can protect their chemical inventions from competitors with patents but this is a long and complex process which needs expert guidance
Trouble in the periodic table
As chemists, we see the periodic table as an icon. But its design continues to evolve and is the source of much debate
The Mole
Elements of life
Akshat Rathi wonders if the elements in DNA are the same throughout the universe
The Mole
A day in the life of a sensors and spectroscopy development scientist at AWE: Imran Khan
Imran uses his expertise in chemistry to do research on hazardous materials. He tells Josh Howgego what it’s like to do fundamental research for the government
Teaching chemistry in 3D using crystal structure data
Fundamental topics such as stereochemistry are taught in 2 or 2.5D - the Cambridge Structural Database provides an interactive 3D solution
Drug Discovery: metformin and the control of diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease, and it's on the increase. The search for a treatment is a story that traverses the world and touches on the treatment of other diseases