All Literacy articles – Page 4
Sensational states: kitchen science podcasts
Introduce your students to changes of state with this short podcast.
Making chemical language easy
Ann Marie Farrell and Michael Seery consider how to meet students’ language and literacy needs within chemistry
The stories behind the words
Simon Rees reveals the origins of some chemical terms and what they can mean for students
The interactive lab primer - abbreviations, constants and glossary
This resource from the interactive lab primer highlights the vocabulary and standards most commonly used in university and research chemistry laboratories.
Designing skilful chemists
David Smith discusses the importance of employability skills for chemists
Learning to write in chemistry
Michael Seery highlights the importance of carefully-designed writing activities in enabling students to build their scientific writing skills
Reading and writing in science
Kristy Turner reviews the second edition of Reading and writing in science: tools to develop discplinary literacy
Key transferable skills for science students
A new essential reference guide for science students. Learn how to: give a presentation, write a report, manage your time and prepare a poster.
Oral communication skills - Presentation exercise
This resource focuses on oral presentations and outlines an exercise students can do to develop their oral communication skills. The scenario used in the exercise is giving a presentation as part of a company’s annual review process.
Hwuche-Hwuche bark
Communication skills are an essential part of all university degree courses. In general, communication skills are developed throughout undergraduate courses via a range of activities and many departments already have substantial parts of their course aimed at transferable skills. The book ‘Communicating Chemistry’ contains a number of exercises that can ...
Future Cities project
Set your learners a problem-based case study with a sustainable development project
Poster presentations
This book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on poster presentations.
New chemist article
This book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on writing a concise report.
Dictionary of interesting chemistry
This book can address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on information retrieval/report writing.
Using video for lab reports
Michael Seery discusses how creating videos in the lab can improve students' practical skills