All RSC Education articles in Non-EiC content – Page 5
Simple distillation | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how to separate water from a coloured solution
Paper chromatography | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how to separate colours in inks using paper chromatography
Rates of reaction | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how the concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution affects its rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid
Web page
Celebrating disabled scientists with Enable Science
Posters produced by Compound Interest and Enable Science that highlight some of the challenges and accommodations needed to do science alongside being disabled, and also the scientists’ contributions to science.
Compounds and formula
Students match compound name and formula cards in this fun matching game
Patterns in formulas of compounds
Use this short written activity to show how the periodic table can predict patterns in the formulas of compounds
Taboo – chemical reactions
Put learners’ chemical reaction knowledge to the test with this card game that asks them to explain a word without using a ‘taboo’ phrase.
Extracting metals | words
A worksheet for learners to practise their vocabularly related to electrolysis.
Nail varnish removal
Explore which solvents will remove nail polish and help learners understand the terms solvent, solute and solution.
Alloys of iron | steels
Discover how the different levels of carbon content in steel changes the properties and use of the steel
Polymers in everyday things
Identify polymers and investigate their role in everyday life, discovering their properties and why they are useful.
Monomer | Polymer card game
Help learners identify the monomer that makes a polymer, and everyday objects with these polymers in them.
Carbon monoxide
Chemistry knowledge will save lives, and learners can contribute to home safety by learning about, and announcing the dangers of carbon monoxide.
Changing the properties of polymers and plastics
Learners consider how changes to polymers, for example adding plasticisers or cross-linking, affects the properties of the objects made from the polymers.
Polythene bags
Get learners thinking about polymer chains with this simple activity using plastic bags.
Textile conservation
Explore textile conservation as a context for practising organic and polymer chemistry.
Polylactic acid
Explore an example of condensation polymerisation with this practical activity where lactic acid is reacted to make short strands of polylactic acid.
A composite material: concrete
As a composite material, concrete requires a balance of ingredients to be effective. Investigate how different additives affect the properties of concrete.
Making new medicines | combinatorial chemistry
How do pharmacists create new medicines, and what role does the pharmaceutical industry play in chemical research? Find out with this resource.