All Practical skills and safety articles – Page 10
Smart materials: lesson tips
Try these activities to help design your lessons on smart materials. Explore the topic using this simple demonstration of polymers and salt.
Teach functional groups
To illustrate the differences in reactivity of isomeric alcohols, try using the iodoform demonstration in the video. Follow the discussion scenario in sequence for tips to help your students understand a difficult concept in carbon chemistry.
Help students understand accuracy and error
Embed use of the right key terms in practical work from an early age
More students report doing regular practical work
Contrasting some earlier fears, schools have not deprioritized practical since A-level reform
The life of water
Get hands on with H2O, changing states of matter and the water cycle. These experiments and investigations involve water in the context of space
Measure enthalpy changes
Probe your students’ understanding of this fundamental concept and reflect on your demonstrations with our practical tips
Problem solving tutor
Use this online interactive tutorial to teach three different methods for solving problems in quantitative chemistry. Video: How to use the problem solving tutor
Testing salts for anions and cations
A full range of chemicals will guide students into discovering how to identify the composition of unknown substances. Includes kit list and safry instructions.
Chip pan fire demonstration
A video and teacher notes demonstrating the dangers of adding water to a fat fire. Video: Chip pan fire demonstration
Iodine clock demonstration video
A video and teacher notes providing an introduction to reaction rates and kinetics, in which a colourless solution changes to dark blue. Video: Iodine Clock demonstration
Olympic composites: sports equipment and composite materials
A composite is a mix of two or more materials which often have very different properties. Find out about composites used in sport equipment material.
Olympic composites (primary level)
Find out what composites are made up of and why they are so important sporting equipment for the Olympics.
The really useful book of secondary science experiments
101 essential activities to support teaching and learning
Practical advice for practical work
A recent study details what is needed for world-class practical experiences for schools. We look into the priority recommendations.
Challenges for practical science teaching highlighted by new report
Pressures on schools and teachers are sidelining lab time for students
Cutting edge science in a school laboratory
After ten years, many experiments and cohorts of new students, Catherine Smith shares her experience completing a multistep synthesis with her science club
The heat is on: edible experiments
Why are chillies and mustard hot, but taste different? Discover the importance of chemistry in everyday eating experiences with this edible experiment.