All Practical skills and safety articles – Page 7
Job profile
Associate scientist, pharmaceuticals
Holly develops new medicines at a global pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca alongside completing her degree apprenticeship
Job profile
Development chemist, printing and inks
Mariam shares how she makes custom inks for their customers so they can safely print on food (like eggs) and food packaging providing vital information to the public
Job profile
Research assistant
Lewis contributes to cutting-edge scientific research using specialist equipment to potentially diagnose diseases like cancer sooner
Job profile
Analytical technician, plastics
Celine modifies the molecular structure of plastics so they can biodegrade in the natural environment
Job profile
Laboratory analyst and higher degree apprentice, water
Joseph helps ensure there is clean, safe, water for 15 million people in the UK whilst studying towards his chemistry degree
Job profile
Research innovations manager
Margot is at the cutting-edge of science developing ways to make plastic biodegrade quickly and explaining this to others
Confronting fears in the lab
Practical work can scare pupils. Here’s how to overcome their worries
Job profile
Scientific associate, NMR spectroscopy
Christopher uses NMR to identify the structure of new and unknown chemical compounds to support the development of new medicines
Job profile
Laboratory technician and higher apprentice, solar
Rebekka tests and finds ways to improve solar panels whilst balancing her studies towards her Foundation Degree apprenticeship
Job profile
Research fellow
Lynne shares how her PhD led to a university research career working with large pieces of equipment and computer programs to understand how chemical structures work
Job profile
Senior scientist, household goods
Phillip leads a small team of researchers who improve the performance of household products such as toothpaste and shampoo
Job profile
Consumer products technician
Robert develops materials to improve the properties of consumer products from cosmetics to chewing gum
Job profile
Chief chemist
Stephen oversees the ways in which chemistry can be used to improve a power station’s performance
Job profile
Postdoctoral research associate
Anna explains how she carries out her own cutting-edge scientific research at the UK’s national synchrotron science facility
Job profile
Flavourist and innovation director
Claire creates new flavour combinations to improve the taste of everyday food products
Job profile
Director of medicinal chemistry
Find out what’s involved in leading a team of 30 scientists who are researching new medicines
Job profile
Director of IRC in biomedical materials
Professor Vadgama researches biosensors which monitor changes inside the bodies of patients and athletes
Job profile
Atmospheric chemist
Zoë’s role involves finding ways to minimise the impact of humans on the natural world
Job profile
Forensic scientist
Joni investigates biological samples for the presence of drugs and alcohol and also examines evidence seized by the police
Job profile
Head of chemistry and teacher
Kay teaches and oversees the work that goes on in a secondary school chemistry department