All Practical skills and safety articles – Page 3
Practical planning: spot the mistakes | 14–16 years
Use these exam-style questions to check your learners’ understanding of experimental skills and strategies
Student risk assessment: preparing a salt | 14–16 years
Two worksheets to guide learners in recognizing hazards, evaluating risks and identifying control measures
Re-evaluating how we teach practicals
Why a science technician thinks we need to take a closer look at practicals
Nail every practical lesson
Great advice for new (and experienced) teachers to ensure classroom experiments go well every time
‘Gold’ coins on a microscale | 14–16 years
Practical experiment where learners produce ‘gold’ coins by electroplating a copper coin with zinc, includes follow-up worksheet
Hanukkah doughnuts: interpret practical instructions | 11–14 years
Worksheet on interpreting practical methods using a recipe format, a scientific method and integrated instructions
Exhibition chemistry
Demonstrating the importance of surface area to rates of reaction
Use a combustible powder demo to engage students and teach them about safety in the lab
From microscale to full-scale practicals
Find out how to upscale your practicals to reduce cognitive load and improve students’ results
Targeted strategies to support good classroom behaviour
Tackle potential behaviour challenges in your chemistry classroom before they arise
Make the most of practical work
How to use reverse storyboarding and lab roles to optimise practicals
Establish good learning behaviours in the science lab
Discover how to move from reactive to proactive behaviour management
The challenges of managing behaviour in the chemistry lab
Take a look at the humorous side of everyday chemistry classroom shenanigans
Ensure chemistry students get the most out of practical work
Top tips from research to improve understanding and collaboration in practicals
How to apply cognitive load theory to chemistry practicals
Ideas from cognitive science that will transform your chemistry classroom practicals
Take a microscale approach to electrochemical cells
How you can use Petri dish galvanic cells to support learning about electricity
Maximise learning with microscale
Find out why and how a small-scale approach to practical work reaps big rewards in your classroom
Risk assessing your chemistry practicals
Keep on top of risk assessments to ensure your practical lessons are safe
Understanding chemistry through microscale practical work, Bob Worley and David Paterson
Ready to take the small-scale approach into your chemistry classroom? You might want to read this comprehensive guide first
The fast guide to microscale practical work
Every chemistry teacher’s must-have guide to this no-fuss method for practical work