All Resources articles – Page 9
Exhibition chemistry
Properties of alloys: finding the NaK
Why is NaK a liquid? Declan Fleming finds out
Science in the classroom
Web watch: Peter Banks looks at some websites that may be of interest to chemistry teachers
What makes a good teaching resource?
Teachers rely on the quality of their resources every day. Stephen Hessey explores what makes a good resource
Kristy Turner finds out what students really think when they hear the word 'chemistry'
Exhibition chemistry
Nailing corrosion demonstrations
Declan Fleming presents an experiment to illustrate the electrochemistry of rusting
My top five ideas for chemistry lessons
Ian McDaid describes his favourite ‘must do’ experiments to engage your students
Putting chemistry in context
Michael Seery turns the traditional teaching ladder on its side, and suggests that context-based learning may better suit students’ needs
Exhibition chemistry
Alkali metal roulette
Declan Fleming takes the reactions of alkali metals in water a step further
Assessment for Learning online course
Neil Goalby investigates hinge-point questions and formative assessment to develop pupil learning
Exhibition chemistry
Eggsplosive chemistry
Declan Fleming shows you how to capture your students’ imaginations with spectacular demonstrations
Exhibition chemistry
Red hot carbon
Declan Fleming shows you how to capture your students’ imaginations with spectacular demonstrations
RSC 2015 education awards
Animations available for free online and chemistry MOOCs lead the way