All Higher-order thinking and metacognition articles – Page 4
Thinking about thinking promotes problem solving
Metacognition helps learners find solutions
Help students connect observations to theory
Talking activities that give a deeper understanding of practical work
Using chemistry articles to promote scientific literacy in the classroom
Research shows how context supports student understanding
Knowing words’ origins helps students unravel chemistry
Teach the origins of chemical vocabulary
Chemistry Olympiad past papers
Download past papers from the UK Chemistry Olympiad, including questions and mark schemes with answers from 2003 onwards.
Constructive conversations with talk triplets
How to teach chemistry through classroom dialogue
Help students evaluate experiments
Tips to get all students suggesting improvements to practicals
Easy ways to include philosophical thinking in lessons
Develop students’ scientific literacy, curiosity and open-mindedness
Why I teach chemistry as a creative discipline
Chemistry needs creative approaches and it is possible to teach them
What’s in a question?
When it comes to challenging your students, are you asking the right questions?
Rating rate laws
How to help students gain a deeper understanding of mathematical model-building
Chemical misconceptions II: Scaffolding explanations
The materials comprise of two sets of questions requiring explanations - which may be used as a pre-test and post-test a worksheet.
Designing an organic synthesis
View a summary of how to approach the synthesis of an organic compound, focussing on the construction of key bonds. Follow an example multistep synthesis using standard organic transformations, answering questions along the way. This page is suitable for students beginning organic chemistry. Designing an organic synthesis This page is ...
The 7 skills of a good A-level chemist
Kristy Turner looks at how to help students improve their core chemistry skills