All International and comparative education articles
How teachers are overcoming the challenges of assignments in Scotland
Teacher Laura Scoular considers what the reintroduction means for teaching staff and students
Why AAQs are the future
Discover the diverse and enriching new post-16 study pathways, available from 2025
Backing a new baccalaureate
Is a broader, combined vocational and academic qualification a good idea?
What curriculum reform means for you and your chemistry students
Chemistry teachers welcome science curriculum development
TIMSS 2019: How are students doing in science?
Why has attainment decreased in England but stayed the same in Ireland – and what can educators learn from it?
Why declining science scores are no reason to panic
PISA provides an interesting background to teaching, but is it only for policymakers?
Mind the attainment gap
Can an American programme improve BAME students’ achievement in higher education in the UK?
Policymakers are misusing international education rankings
Statisticians call for more subtle analyses of data
Challenges for practical science teaching highlighted by new report
Pressures on schools and teachers are sidelining lab time for students
International studies highlight low teacher morale in UK
PISA and TIMSS show mixed results for the UK
Collaborative chemistry degrees
How Chinese and UK universities are working together to deliver degree programmes to Chinese students
Chemistry exam leaks anger Indian students
A number of examinations have been rendered null and void after evidence emerges of cheating
Lessons from other countries
Tim Oates looks at what we can learn from international comparisons
The open educational relationship between India and the UK
Both countries could benefit from embracing fully the open education movement, say Tejas Joshi and Simon Lancaster
Finland to emphasise topics for basic education
New national curriculum will require schools to provide at least one topic-based study period per school year
Learning lessons from Finland and Estonia
Neil McIntyre reports on his travels to see how science is taught in Finland and Estonia
The view from Germany
After moving to Germany from the UK, Laura Howes looks at the differences and similarities in science education
Event News
International Conference on Education in Chemistry, 2014
Simon Lancaster reports on his visit to ICEC-2014 in Mumbai