All Separation articles
Solubility | Review my learning worksheets | 14–16 years
Identify learning gaps and misconceptions with this set of worksheets offering three levels of support
How to teach chromatography at post-16
Everything you need to help your students master the fundamentals of this analytical technique
Chromatography challenge | 16–18 years
Explore analytical techniques and their applications with a chromatography investigation and research activity
Simple distillation | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how to separate water from a coloured solution
Paper chromatography | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how to separate colours in inks using paper chromatography
Hard water challenge | Chemistry for All project | 14–16 years
Investigate the relationship between the concentration of calcium ions and the ‘hardness’ of water
Thin-layer chromatography and analgesics | 16–18 years
Explore the use of painkillers and their other effects: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Practical planning: spot the mistakes | 14–16 years
Use these exam-style questions to check your learners’ understanding of experimental skills and strategies
Decomposition in daily life
Introduce your students to some applications of decomposition reactions: clean energy, bleach and baking
Everything you need to teach fractional distillation
With this poster and classroom activity, your 14–16 students will soon be experts
How to use models to boost understanding
Help students make sense of the chemistry they can’t see with memorable representations
Topic web
Uisce a spáráil agus truailliú i dtimthriall an uisce | 7–9 mbliana
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi uisce agus timthriall an uisce le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicà seo, moltar gnÃomhaÃochtaà ranga a bhaineann le truailliú i dtimthriall an uisce, an chaoi a nglantar uisce agus an chaoi a n-úsáidfimis nÃos lú uisce.
Topic web
Arbed dŵr a llygredd yn y cylch dŵr | 7–9 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch dŵr a’r cylch dŵr â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn awgrymu gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth ynghylch llygredd yn y cylch dŵr, sut mae dŵr yn cael ei lanhau a sut gallwn ni ddefnyddio llai ohono.
Plant-based proteins | 16–18 years
Name common amino acids and draw the structural formulas of dipeptides and tripeptides in this resource for 16-18 year old learners before considering how thin layer chromatography can be used to separate and analyse amino acids in a mixture.
Topic web
Saving water and pollution in the water cycle | 7–9 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on water and the water cycle to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities on pollution in the water cycle, how water is cleaned and how we can use less of it.
Teach justice and cooperation through chemistry
Link forensic science and the Covid-19 pandemic to your lessons on instrumental analysis, separation techniques, data interpretation and health with UN sustainable development goals 16 and 17
Add sustainable management of water to your existing lessons
Quick and simple tips and activities to link UN sustainable development goal 6 to separation techniques, potable water and more
Decaffeination – how does it work?
Organic solvent, supercritical carbon dioxide or water? A knowledge of solvents and solutions is essential for removing caffeine from your daily cuppa
Recycling lithium from electric vehicle batteries
Start a lesson with news of a mechanochemical recovery method that’s better for the environment