All RSC Education articles in September 2016
Molecules – a chemistry card game
Kristy reviews a chemistry card game that's educational and fun
Robotic chemistry sets for the classroom
Can chemistry education in schools benefit from the explosion of low-cost robotic devices, ask Laurie Points, Jonathan Grizou and Leroy Cronin
Shape-shifting hydrogel can heal itself
New material returns to its original shape even when cut into pieces
Community or clique?
Charles Harrison implores us to welcome new blood and ideas into the chemistry education community
How to shrink an ozone hole
How’s the ozone hole actually doing? Ida Emilie Steinmark finds out
Making chemical language easy
Ann Marie Farrell and Michael Seery consider how to meet students’ language and literacy needs within chemistry
Gold nanoclusters offer route to better vaccines
New technique improves immune response and safety of hepatitis E vaccine
Green chemistry: laboratory manual for general chemistry
An introduction to green chemistry and 21 experiments ready for use in the classroom or teaching laboratory
To boldly go where no analytical instrument has gone before
Nina Notman meets the chemist behind the mass spectrometer onboard the Philae lander
Service learning and environmental chemistry: relevant connections
Solving real-world problems
Justine Greening replaces Nicky Morgan as education secretary
Former international development minister moves into education role in cabinet reshuffle