All Structure and bonding articles – Page 6
How hot are chilli peppers?
This resource explores the chemistry of capsaicinoids and the properties they give to chillies.
Why do pans stick?
This resource looks at Teflon and its properties. What is Teflon and why does it stop food sticking to the pan?
The structure of ice and water
A worksheet exploring the structural differences between the solid and liquid versions of this most ubiquitous compound.
Anecdotes: The Discovery of Buckminsterfullerene
The discovery of buckminsterfullerene, the third allotrope of carbon.
Presenting data: Non-linear graphs
Try these activities to identify your students’ mathematical misconceptions when presenting chemistry data. Use them in your teaching to help students interpret their practical observations using non-linear graphs.
The longest carbon-carbon bond in chemistry
Use this cutting-edge research as a starter in your class
3D crystal structures
Link to the Cambridge Structural Database educational collection to access 750+ structures
Extracting limonene from oranges
Limonene is found in oranges, and now your classroom. Create a distillation apparatus and support students to make their own plant oils. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Cross-linking polymers – alginate worms
With a collection of equipment easy to find in your classroom, learners can form alginate polymer ‘worms’ and explore cross-linking polymers
Molecular model misconceptions
Let us take a closer look at the suitability of using molecular models to teach the determination of chemical formulae.
Do you really know what glass is?
The glass debate resurfaces and it’s never crystal clear. Why do we care about its label anyway?
Make a molecule
Learn about the types of molecules found in fruits and sweets, as well as how molecules are formed
Chemistry in your cupboard: Gaviscon
Link the post-16 topics of acid and base neutralisation, weak acids, bonding and carboxylic acids to the topic of antacids. Learn about a range of real life contexts for these chemical ideas through written material, and questions to encourage learning and test understanding.
Chemistry in your cupboard: Dettol
Link the post-16 topics of phenols, bonding and acids and bases to the topic of antiseptics.
Mapping compound structure and bonding
How everyday compounds’ properties can be linked to their bonding and structure with a ‘structure triangle’