All Catalysis articles
Collision theory and Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution curves
Use this lesson plan, presentation and student worksheet to recap collision theory, before going on to introduce the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.
New method grows larger diamonds
Use this real-world context when teaching about giant covalent structures
Exhibition chemistry
Highlight transition metal chemistry with an oscillating luminol reaction
Light up your 16–18 learners’ interest in catalysis and transition metal properties with this chemiluminescent reaction
Recycling catalysts with electrochemistry
Use this research context to show students how, and why, industry recover their catalystsÂ
Reaction profile diagrams and bombardier beetles | 14–16 years
Draw energy profile diagrams and explore the differences between catalysed and uncatalysed reactions in the context of the defence mechanism of this super bug
Transforming the catalytic potential of metals
Designer catalysts are breaking the known rules of reactionsÂ
Lunar soil offers a promising catalyst
The Moon’s surface offers potential for ‘extraterrestrial photosynthesis’ to make oxygen, hydrogen and other fuels
Teaching rates of reaction post-16: part 2
Ideas and activities to help students explore catalysts
Tie sustainable industry into your chemistry topics
Complement your teaching of reaction kinetics, catalysts and equilibrium with UN sustainable development goal 9
Catalysts and reaction conditions for sustainable industry | 16–18 years
Research and presentation activity based on catalysts and reaction conditions in the context of sustainable industry
Breaking the carbon–hydrogen bond
A new photocatalyst that can act on small alkane hydrocarbons is a rare example of directly using natural gases as reagents
Turning PVC green
Platinum might be the catalytic key to reducing the environmental impact of mercury pollutionÂ
Catalyst metal recovery adds greener notes to whisky production
Magnetite nanoparticles recover copper waste from whisky manufacturing process
Carbon nanotubes grown using kitchen chemicals
Cheap compounds found in kitchen cupboards can act as catalysts for making carbon nanotubes
Transition metal chemistry 16–18
Help your students become proficient in answering questions on the transition metals with these Starter for ten questions including redox titrations, colourimetry, and catalysis.
Exhibition chemistry
The genie in the bottle
Demonstrating the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide