All Compounds and mixtures articles – Page 2
How ice cream is made
For a simple combination of milk, cream, sugar and flavourings, there is a lot of science involved in ice cream manufacture
Separating caffeine | 11–14 years
DART (Directed Activity Related to Text) covering separation techniques, including dissolution, distillation and filtration. Decaffeination provides a great context to add depth to a sequence of lessons on separation techniques.
The exceptional alloy that’s resisting corrosion
Could stainless magnesium replace aluminium in cars and aeroplanes? This calcium–magnesium alloy has implications for carbon emissions
The science of melting chocolate
Use this infographic with your 11–14 students to develop their knowledge of changes of state and their graphing skills
Conservation of mass | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and supporting resources for two practical experiments exploring conservation of mass.
Chalky spinach
How does the food we eat affect our bodies? Discover the acid inside spinach, and why it can feel chalky
Lithium: separation, mining and battery power | 11–14 years
Test your 11–14 students’ knowledge of separation techniques; elements, mixtures and compounds; periodic table trends
How to purify water
Explore the water cycle, and see how it can be used to purify your own water. A perfect experiment for the classroom, or at home, with kit list and safety instructions included.
Runaway reactions
Ask your 16–18 students to take a closer look at ammonium nitrate and enthalpy
Lending a hand with sanitiser
When one of the key weapons in the fight against Covid-19 was in short supply, some unlikely manufacturers stepped in
Hand sanitiser in demand – reading comprehension
Discuss the real life application of mixtures and formulations with your 11–14 students with this reading comprehension exercise
Kitchen roll chromatography
Coloured inks can be a mix of a few different colours, and with chromatography, learners can actually see which colours come together to make that coloured ink. This experiment includes a kit list, and safety instructions.
Exhibition chemistry
When life gives you lemons (or oranges)
Teach your students about volatile organic compounds with these juicy demonstrations
How to teach conservation of mass
Help students navigate the law of conservation of mass on dissolving and heating
Conservation of mass on dissolving and heating
Help students understand how mass is conserved when a substance is dissolved or heated
Finding out how much salt there is in seawater
Use the microscale titration apparatus to titrate silver nitrate solution against sea water
The reaction between zinc powder and sulfur
A spectacular practical demonstration to show the differences between elements, mixtures and compounds
Separating mixtures | Primary science video demonstrations
Fun demonstrations of different mixtures, including racing liquids and rainbow colours.
Olympic composites (primary level)
Find out what composites are made up of and why they are so important sporting equipment for the Olympics.