All Feature articles – Page 29

  • A London street

    Dirty air


    What constitutes ground-level air pollution and what are the impacts of such pollutants on Man and the environment?

  • Bare legs out of doors

    Biting insects - a challenge for chemists


    In many parts of the world biting insects are major disease vectors, being the source of malaria and yellow fever for example, though in the UK they are mainly just a nuisance

  • image - brown mosquito

    Artemisinin and a new generation of antimalarial drugs


    Every year between one and two million people - mainly children - living in the tropics and subtropics die of malaria.

  • Amadeo Avogadro

    Amadeo Avogadro 1776-1856


    This year marks the 150th anniversary of the death of the Italian chemical physicist, Amedeo Avogadro.

  • Image - Cotton - eating chilli

    Spicing up Chemistry


    Spices have been used in cooking since Roman times, and were believed to be important as antiparasitic agents and as gastrointestinal protectants in the diet

  • A plaque showing where Bedford college was founded

    Pioneering women chemists of Bedford College


    In the early part of the 20th century, a few institutions seemed to have been havens for women interested in chemistry.

  • Titan and its mysterious atmosphere

    Titan - a museum of the Earth's atmosphere


    Titan, the largest moon of the planet Saturn, has an atmosphere that is predominantly nitrogen with a small amount of carbon present in the form of methane and higher hydrocarbons.

  • Chlorpromazine - unlocked the asylum door for many patients

    Chlorpromazine - unlocks the asylum


    The history of pharmaceuticals is enriched by accounts of drugs developed for one therapeutic purpose that found application in another. This is true for chlorpromazine, a treatment for severe mental illness

  • Vladimir Vasilevich Markovnikov

    In the steps of Markovnikov


    The addition reactions of HCl and HBr to propene to give either 2-chloropropane or 2-bromopropane are often given as examples of Markovnikov's Rule, but in his original 1870 paper, Markovnikov used HI and not HBr or HCl.

  • An image of the world made from plant debris

    The carbon dioxide problem


    Measuring carbon dioxide from plant debris provides an opportunity for an inquiry-based experiment aimed at 14-15 year olds. Similar experiments are done by soil scientists and ecologists in their efforts to understand the global carbon cycle

  • A chimney sweeper in 1850

    Percivall Pott, chimney sweeps and cancer


    Over 200 years ago, doctor and writer Percivall Pott made the astute connection between soot and scrotal cancer, known then as the chimney sweep's cancer.

  • dna main

    Chemistry, medicine and genetic analysis


    In the near future, doctors will be able to carry out a 'while you wait' test, using genetic analysis, for chlamydia, the silent disease that can lead to infertility in women. 

  • Acid mine drainage in spain

    Acid mine drainage - a legacy of an industrial past


    The environmental damage caused by acid mine drainage (AMD) is a worldwide and growing problem in those countries that once, or are still, extracting coal and/or metals. What is AMD, what effect does it have on the environment, and what can be done about

  • Figure 1 - the sea-water battery

    Rough science and homemade batteries


    Investigations involving simple batteries made from items found in the home or school laboratory can help KS3 pupils understand the origin of current, voltage and power, and the chemistry that drives batteries.

  • GM-250

    GM foods - addressing public concerns


    Genetically modified (GM) foods continue to generate media attention and concern among the public. How can analytical chemists help consumers make informed choices

  • Stephenson image winners

    The Chemistry Olympiad – miss it, miss out


    The international final of the Chemistry Olympiad – a chemistry competition for sixthformers – was held in Taiwan this year 

  • Snowmobiles - an application for self-healing polymers

    The chemistry of self-healing polymers


    A familiar example of a system with self-healing ability is the human body. But could an analogous strategy be used for the self-repair of polymeric composites?

  • Nagyvary Box image

    Investigating the secrets of the Stradivarius


    For the past 200 years violin makers around the world have sought to produce violins that would rival those of Stradivari and Guarneri made during 1700-50.

  • dronsfield pain image large

    Pain relief: from coal tar to paracetamol


    Analgesics, ie pain-relieving drugs, fall into two categories: those that also reduce body temperature in fevers (antipyretics), and those that act mainly on the brain - typically morphine and diamorphine/heroin. Here we consider members of the first group, particularly those once designated 'coal tar analgesics'. Paracetamol, our most popular over-the-counter pain killer, is one of these.   

  • Scientist with test tubes

    Analytical chemistry makes the news


    University departments traditionally divided chemistry into inorganic, organic and physical subsets, with analytical chemistry sitting somewhere in between. But this is changing. The teaching of analytical chemistry is currently undergoing a renaissance in many universities.