All Health and safety articles
12 top tips for safe science in your school
Advice for technicians (and teachers) on safely opening up the prep room and on ensuring a successful start to practical work
Maximise learning with microscale
Find out why and how a small-scale approach to practical work reaps big rewards in your classroom
Why schools need more science technicians
Boosting technician numbers could improve workload for everyone – but how can it be done?
4 strategies to get students to follow hygiene rules in school
Why a positive approach helps students follow the rules: practical tips for encouraging your students to better follow mask and handwashing rules during the Covid-19 pandemic
I want to go back to school
Adam Boxer desperately wants to be back in this classroom with his students. He also knows it’s not safe yet
Thank you very much for being our technician
How appreciating technicians is appreciated by science technicians around the country
Low pay means losing school technicians
The level of skill required for technicians is not reflected in their salaries, say teachers. Practical work will suffer without them.
Are corrosive substances in your school safe?
Chemicals supply is under scrutiny following rising numbers of acid attacks
Explaining our health and safety guidance
Review and understand our standard health and safety guidance before using the resources for practical chemistry in your classroom. The information in this document can increase your confidence and competence when using our practical resources, by raising your awareness of what our health and safety checks entail
Explosives Guide for Education
This Guide contains information for teachers on the Explosive Regulations 2014. It details when Explosive Certifiates are required by schools and how to get them. There are some websites for more detailed information.
Technician injured in explosion
A Bristol school has been fined for failure to ensure the safety of its employees
Chemistry accident at US high school prompts changes
After a chemistry demonstration sparks a fire that injures six, a county in Virginia halts use of open flames in science classes
Practical limitations
An apocalyptic vision of what the future might hold for school practical work in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by Steve Jones
Nailing salon safety
Nina Notman digs her nails into the unsafe working conditions of the US manicure industry
Faster, higher, stronger ... fairly
Nina Notman investigates the recent ban on athletes inhaling noble gases
The ‘rainbow’ connection
US Chemical Safety Board head calls for the end of methanol use in combustion demonstrations
Chemical weapon destruction takes float
Nina Notman’s thoughts turn to the chemists preparing to destroy Syria’s chemical arsenal at sea