Review your learners’ understanding of key ideas, words and phrases relating to amino acids
This resource features three different versions of a worksheet on amino acids: scaffolded, partially scaffolded and unscaffolded. Use the worksheets to identify learners’ knowledge gaps and misconceptions once you have taught this part of the curriculum. Find out more about how to use this resource or download the worksheets below.
Curriculum topics
These worksheets cover the following topics:
- the general structure of amino acids
- the structure of glycine and alanine
- the polymerisation of amino acids to form polypeptides and proteins
- the peptide link
- equations to represent the polymerisation of amino acids.
If learners successfully answer questions on these topics, they can attempt the extension questions. This requires learners to complete an equation that represents the polymerisation of alanine and to apply their knowledge to a diagrammatic representation of the polymerisation of amino acids.
Independent learning and metacognition
The ‘What do I understand?’ page is common to all worksheets. Learners are encouraged to develop independent learning skills and can use their reflection as a guide for revision. The feedback will also help you to identify areas where a whole class needs attention.
The teacher guidance provides model answers for all questions, plus guidance on learners’ common misconceptions. Learners can use the model answers to self- or peer assess.
Additional support
- Use this addition polymerisation poster and classroom activity to introduce learners to using n and square brackets to represent repeating units.
- The NH2 group may be new to learners. Encourage comparison with the more familiar ammonia (NH3), which you can discuss using this reciprocal reading task.
- Mould your students’ understanding of polymers with these misconception busters and wealth of teaching ideas
More resources
- Explore knowledge in context and assess learning with questions exploring natural polymers, including starch and amino acids.
- Guide learners through the chemistry behind building protein molecules from their amino acid monomers in condensation reactions with this resource amino acids, peptides and proteins.
- Find out how Olivia, a senior laboratory technician, uses protein content determination to ensure food products meet legislative requirements for consumers.
Amino acids student sheet scaffolded
Handout | PDF, Size 0.47 mbAmino acids student sheet part scaffolded
Handout | PDF, Size 0.45 mbAmino acids student sheet unscaffolded
Handout | PDF, Size 0.44 mbAmino acids teacher guidance
Handout | PDF, Size 0.31 mbAmino acids student sheet scaffolded
Editable handout | Word, Size 0.42 mbAmino acids student sheet part scaffolded
Editable handout | Word, Size 0.36 mbAmino acids student sheet unscaffolded
Editable handout | Word, Size 0.35 mbAmino acids teacher guidance
Editable handout | Word, Size 0.21 mb
Review my learning worksheets | 14–16 years
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Amino acids
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