All Sustainable energy articles
New material could help power the hydrogen economy
Cryogenic cooling enables record hydrogen storage in new material
Electrolysis gets a boost from metal scraps
Waste metals transformed into catalysts for clean fuel production
Sustainable solution to recycling wind turbine blades
Cracking the problem of decommissioning our wind farmsÂ
The science behind sustainable home insulation
Are plastics the best option for saving energy in our homes, as well as saving the planet?
Creating green energy from seawater
Scientists combine desalination and electrolysis to produce clean hydrogen fuelÂ
High capacity batteries that can biodegrade in situ
Explore biodegradable electrochemistry with this innovation to healthcare and pollution
Electrolysis can conjure hydrogen fuel from air
 Air humidity could be the key to sustainable hydrogen powerÂ
Moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy
Recent steep price increases could push us towards renewable energy
The politics of energy – structure strip | 14–16 years
Develop your learners reading comprehension and writing skills while revisiting topics from organic and atmospheric chemistry
Electrostatic charge keeps solar cells gleaming
Look at the life cycle of solar panels suffering from a dusting of silica
A stabilised sulfur allotrope that’s making sustainable Li–S batteries work
Energy-dense lithium–sulfur batteries are making their way into the energy industry
Why the world urgently needs more chemists
At a pivotal time in history, this vocation could be a lifeline in solving pressing global challenges
Cooking up sustainable batteries
Find out how microwaves can improve the environmental credentials of electrochemical cellsÂ
What’s behind the CO₂ shortage?
Dependence on a single source of production left us with a deficit
Teach justice and cooperation through chemistry
Link forensic science and the Covid-19 pandemic to your lessons on instrumental analysis, separation techniques, data interpretation and health with UN sustainable development goals 16 and 17
Job profile
Solar technology engineer
Ryley develops cutting-edge solar cell technology to make solar power cheaper and more efficient so that this renewable source of energy can become more mainstream
Job profile
PhD researcher
Lizzie investigates new battery materials for lithium-ion batteries which power devices such as smart phones, laptops and electric vehicles
Job profile
Section leader, wind
Maria develops new and innovative coatings for wind turbines so that they can generate more renewable energy for longer