All articles by David Sait
How much practical work?
Education in Chemistry asked ’how often do your students do practical work?’ and twitter responded
Event News
Faces of the ASE conference 2017
We asked teachers what they most enjoy about teaching science
University Technical Colleges – the future of science teaching?
It's not just academies we'll be seeing more of in UK education, University Technical Colleges are expanding. We met Lord Baker to find out about these innovative but controversial schools
My favourite demo
Ahead of Demo Day, we asked teachers what their favourite chemistry demo is. What's yours?
A professional body for teaching
Angela McFarlane believes that what the teaching profession needs is its own professional body. That’s why she is one of the trustees of the College of Teaching.
Technician injured in explosion
A Bristol school has been fined for failure to ensure the safety of its employees
Event News
ASE conference – what are you looking forward to?
Practical work, inquiry, maths in science, raising the professional status of teachers, spectroscopy in your classroom…
Eight great apps for chemistry teachers
Which chemistry apps are worth installing? Teachers talk about their favourites
India at a crossroads
Chemistry teachers in India must make better use of experiments that are cheap and easy to run to inspire the next generation, says T V Venkateswaran
Event News
The ASE conference - our best bits
Education in Chemistry was at the Association for Science Education Annual Conference again this year. Both Paul and David were keeping you up to date on Twitter, but which of our tweets, photos, Storifys and videos did you like the most?
Ada Lovelace Day
In the spirit of Ada Lovelace Day (a celebration of women in science, technology engineering and maths), here are few of the fascinating chemists we’ve featured this year:
Do you have a brilliant idea for teaching science, maths or English?
Grants of £15,000 to be won in national competition
A postcard from Birmingham
'Excellence in science education' – a look at the ASE annual conference
EiC's 50th anniversary
A celebration of Education in Chemistry and those who have contributed to its success