All articles by Education in Chemistry – Page 12
Applied Science - where next?
Nuffield Foundation report highlights growing uptake of Applied Science courses at Key Stge 4 and issues with A-level Applied Science as a progression route for students post-16
New websites
Netgains: 'Cutting vehicle pollution' - school science resource and 'Beschoice' virtual learning environment extends to GCSE Science
Support for education reform in Scotland
Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Edinburgh launch project to support science teachers in implementing Scotland's new Curriculum for Excellence
Funding to support chemistry in schools
The Royal Society of Chemistry's Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector Education Support Group offers schools support to buy enhanced science equipment and run chemistry clubs
RSC education changes on the horizon
Update on changes made to the Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) education department
RSC takes chemistry teachers to Barcelona
A group of teachers from the UK visit three different organisations based in Barcelona to get first-hand experience of industrial processes
Chemistry Week 2009
The Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) Chemistry Week 2009 will run from 7-15 November with food as its theme
Ofqual orders revision of science exams at GCSE
GCSE science examinations are set for a shake up
Graduate employability
RSC gathers information on the employability of chemical science graduates
Collaborative research grows
Pharma industry joins forces with funding council to provide 12 new PhD studentships in UK university chemistry departments
Bright future in UK science
At the RSC's Voice of the future event in March, Lord Drayson reassures young scientists and engineers that the UK is the place to be
Bootham boys are top of the bench
A team of students from Bootham School, York, win the 2009 Top of the Bench national final
New award for STEM leaders at Key Stage 4
New qualification offers students the route to an additional BTEC award in recognition of the personal leadership skills they develop through learning science
What's in a name?
Many chemical compounds have several possible names. Peter Nelson, University of Hull, asks: 'Which ones should teachers use?'
GCSE specifications: how do they compare?
The RSC Curriculum and Assessment Group provides summary of the content of current GCSE chemistry specifications
Chemistry Olympiad classroom resources
Questions from annual national competition provide excellent teaching resources for AS- and A-level chemistry
New CPD option for non-specialist chemistry teachers
Training and Development Agency for Schools to launch a national Science Additional Specialism Programme (SASP) for teachers of physics and chemistry
Mastering Bologna
The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes a report on the readiness of UK chemistry departments to succeed in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)