All articles by Education in Chemistry – Page 13
National HE STEM programme sets roots in Birmingham
University of Birmingham to host HEFCE's initiative to increase and widen participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in higher education
Best practice in practical work
The science community, under the SCORE banner, launches framework for practical science in secondary schools
Practical skills certificate for level 3
Awarding body OCR launches certificate in practical chemistry for level 3 academic and vocational qualifications
RSC puts food on the menu
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) reports on the role the chemical sciences have in sustainable food production.
Teachers fellows new intake
In September 2008 three teachers left the classroom to take up one-year secondments at English universities
Laboratory skills for AS chemists, online
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has teamed up with Pfizer to provide an online AS Chemistry Labskills module to UK secondary schools
HE chemistry students on a high
Research finds that undergraduate learning experience in UK chemistry departments is consistently of high quality.
UCL - a landmark in organic chemistry
University College London (UCL) has been awarded its second Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) National Chemical Landmark in honour of Sir Christopher Ingold
Climate change online
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) publishes The chemistry of climate change, an online resource for secondary school students.
The big bang - all the fun of the science fair
The first UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair - The big bang - will be held from 4-6 March in London.
Let there be light
For the past 28 years experiments using the bright light generated by the Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) at the Daresbury Laboratory have supported the development of new medicines, electronic gadgets, and even chocolate
Inspiring the gifted and talented
How do we encourage the best chemistry students in schools and colleges to go on to study chemistry at university and become the next generation of chemistry teachers?
The science diploma update
The content of the Science Diploma, which will be available at three levels, is beginning to take shape.
European chemistry education database
SusChem launches online database of European education activities in sustainable chemistry
Chemistry's grand challenges
UK chemists identify main areas for research funding for the next 20-40 years.
CFOF rolls out to Wales
Chemistry for our future (CFOF) awarded £183k over the next two years for outreach projects in Wales
SET award goes to UCL chemist
Vijay Chudasama, University College London, picks up best chemistry student prize at the 2008 Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Student of the Year Awards.