All Electrochemistry articles
Exhibition chemistry
Demonstrate electrochemistry with a gravity cell
Video, kit list and teaching tips to set up a one-beaker copper–zinc voltaic cell to explore redox reactions
The 7 best practicals for teaching electrochemistry from 11–18
Use a sequential approach to reinforce learning and maximise student success
Electrolysis on a microscale | 14–16 years
Use this microscale version of the electrolysis of copper(II) chloride to safely explore a key practical experiment
Spiral your curriculum for electrochemistry success
Discover why electrochemistry doesn’t have to be a challenging topic
Electrolysis gets a boost from metal scraps
Waste metals transformed into catalysts for clean fuel production
How to teach extraction of metals at 14–16
Solidify learners’ understanding of extraction processes with these tips, misconception busters and teaching ideas
Overcoming electrochemistry misconceptions
Use evidence-based research and teacher-tested tips to help your students master this challenging topic
How to teach electrochemistry at post-16
Use these tips to help your students calculate redox reactions and create electrochemical cells
Electrochemical cells misconception buster | 16–18 years
Probe learners’ knowledge of setting up electrochemical cells, redox equations and calculations
Creating green energy from seawater
Scientists combine desalination and electrolysis to produce clean hydrogen fuelÂ
Lithium-ion cells worksheet | 16–18 years
Review your learners’ understanding of electrochemistry and its applications
‘Gold’ coins on a microscale | 14–16 years
Practical experiment where learners produce ‘gold’ coins by electroplating a copper coin with zinc, includes follow-up worksheet
Electrochemistry misconceptions
It’s a complex topic. Use this to help students master itÂ
Electrolysis diagrams | 14–16 years
Worksheet to help address a common area for misconceptions in electrolysis, identifying the cathode and anode. Includes multiple-choice questions, diagrams to label and a variety of examples
Take a microscale approach to electrochemical cells
How you can use Petri dish galvanic cells to support learning about electricity
A stabilised sulfur allotrope that’s making sustainable Li–S batteries work
Energy-dense lithium–sulfur batteries are making their way into the energy industry
Teach electrochemical cells using number grids
Make explaining electrochemical cells and calculating potentials simple with number grids
Cooking up sustainable batteries
Find out how microwaves can improve the environmental credentials of electrochemical cellsÂ
A virtual check for COâ‚‚ capture tech
Finding carbon recovery materials using software and not lab tests
Turning scrap metal into hi-tech alloys
Electrochemically stripping carbon from steel during recycling