All Materials articles – Page 2
Topic web
Ábhair, athchúrsáil agus bruscar | 4–7 mbliana
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi ábhair le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicí seo, moltar gníomhaíochtaí ranga a bhaineann le hathchúrsáil agus an méid bruscair a chruthaítear ar scoil.
Topic web
Ainmhithe agus a ngnáthóga a chosaint | 7–9 mbliana
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi ghnáthóga le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicí seo, moltar gníomhaíochtaí ranga a bhaineann le gnáthóga na n-órang-útan agus na mbéar bán a chosaint.
Topic web
Tymhorau a thywydd annisgwyl | 4–7 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch newidiadau tymhorol â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig ag arsylwi newidiadau tymhorol a’r tywydd.
Topic web
Pydredd a deunyddiau mewn ffonau symudol | 9–11 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch deunyddiau â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig â deunyddiau mewn ffonau symudol a sut mae gwahanol ddeunyddiau’n pydru.
Topic web
Ailgylchu a thoddi plastigau | 7–9 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch deunyddiau â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig â didoli plastigau i’w hailgylchu a thoddi plastig i greu rhywbeth newydd.
Topic web
Deunyddiau, ailgylchu a sbwriel | 4–7 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch deunyddiau â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig ag ailgylchu a faint o sbwriel a gynhyrchir yn eich ysgol.
Topic web
Diogelu anifeiliaid a’u cynefinoedd | 7–9 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch cynefinoedd â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig â diogelu cynefinoedd yr orang-wtang a’r arth wen.
Topic web
Protecting animals and their habitats | 7–9 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on habitats to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to protecting the habitats of orangutans and polar bears.
Topic web
Materials, recycling and rubbish | 4–7 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on materials to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to recycling and how much rubbish is produced in your school.
Topic web
Recycling and melting plastics | 7–9 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on materials to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to sorting plastics for recycling and melting plastics for new uses.
Topic web
Decaying and materials in mobiles | 9–11 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on materials to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to the materials found in mobile phones and how different materials decay.
Topic web
Seasons and unexpected weather | 4–7 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on seasonal changes to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to observing seasonal changes and weather.
Sunlight produces thousands of compounds from plastic
Scientists dispel the theory that sunlight exposure simply fragments macroplastics that persist in the environment, but what are the implications for the environment?
Give context to air pollution, materials and nanochemistry
Use these tips and activities to link UN sustainable development goal 11 on sustainable cities to your lessons
A 3D-printed material replacing elephant ivory
Show your students a new context when studying composite materials and thermosetting polymers
Ceramic nanoparticles help mould glass into any shape
Get students to compare the properties of glass and plastic polymers
‘You don’t need to choose between the arts and science’
Meet Katherine Curran, a chemist applying her polymer know-how to the conservation of plastic museum objects
Plastic conservation
Usually we want plastics to degrade, so what about when we don’t? How chemists are helping museums preserve plastics
Slashing emissions with polymer fashion
Show students the high performance fabric that’s made from waste plastic and is cutting the carbon footprint of the fashion industry
The exceptional alloy that’s resisting corrosion
Could stainless magnesium replace aluminium in cars and aeroplanes? This calcium–magnesium alloy has implications for carbon emissions