All RSC Education articles in May 2015
Power to the profession
Science teachers can take the lead within a new College of Teaching, and show other teaching communities the way, says John Holman
The Lion, the Wich and the Waller
Almost 30 years after its closure, the historic Lion Salt Works in Cheshire opens its doors to the public. Volunteer Mike Tingle relates some of its history
The impossible water sensor
Hundreds of different chemicals can ruin our water, so measuring their levels is vital. Josh Howgego investigates whether building sensors that can do the job cheaply and remotely will ever be possible
Exhibition chemistry
Red hot carbon
Declan Fleming shows you how to capture your students’ imaginations with spectacular demonstrations
Dual personality of light caught on camera
Is it a wave or is it a particle? We might know the answer, (Spoiler alert: it’s both!) but it is reassuring nonetheless to see the pictures that prove it, says Nina Notman
RSC 2015 education awards
Animations available for free online and chemistry MOOCs lead the way
The Mole
A culture of success
Sarah McLusky profiles a sixth form student on the hunt for protein biomarkers