All RSC Education articles in November 2015
HEFCE identify demand for taught postgraduate courses
Targeted funding will particularly help disadvantaged students
Is education research important?
David Read calls for us to engage with education research and enrich our teaching practice
Understanding education
Raising awareness of teaching and learning opportunities all around us
Primary discoveries
David Overton and Tina Overton investigate a collaboration between chemistry students and teaching students to deliver lessons in primary schools
Trapped nanoparticles for 'wet' computing
Information stored and retrieved in colloidal particles
Chemistry in the museum
Ruth Jarman opens the eyes of trainee teachers to opportunities to help students learn chemistry in informal settings
Putting chemistry in context
Michael Seery turns the traditional teaching ladder on its side, and suggests that context-based learning may better suit students’ needs
All set for chemistry
Chemistry sets through the years have both weathered and reflected many changes in science and society
Chemistry accident at US high school prompts changes
After a chemistry demonstration sparks a fire that injures six, a county in Virginia halts use of open flames in science classes
The Mole
Charles West: Research geochemist
Ida Emilie Steinmark talks to a chemist who gave up a career as a footballer