All Rates of reaction articles
Collision theory and Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution curves
Use this lesson plan, presentation and student worksheet to recap collision theory, before going on to introduce the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.
Rates of reaction | practical videos | 14–16 years
Video and resources showing how the concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution affects its rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid
How to teach reversible reactions and equilibrium at 14–16
Use these tips and teaching ideas to secure student understanding when teaching this tricky topic
Exhibition chemistry
Creating a supersaturated gas evolving oscillator
Use this fizzy practical for a kinetic and thermodynamic showdown in class
Investigating cold reactions | 11–14 years
Explore what is meant by ‘cold’ and the applications of endothermic reactions
Exhibition chemistry
Demonstrating the importance of surface area to rates of reaction
Use a combustible powder demo to engage students and teach them about safety in the lab
Reaction profile diagrams and bombardier beetles | 14–16 years
Draw energy profile diagrams and explore the differences between catalysed and uncatalysed reactions in the context of the defence mechanism of this super bug
Teaching tips for chemical kinetics
Students’ understanding is mostly assessed through numerical problems. Sometimes performance does not reflect understanding. Here’s why
Rates of reaction | practical videos | 16–18 students
Video and supporting resources, includes an initial rate (iodine clock reaction) and continuous monitoring method (volume of gas)
Teaching rates of reaction post-16: part 2
Ideas and activities to help students explore catalysts
Link global food security to your lessons on fertilisers
Use these resources and activities to link UN sustainable development goal 2 to your practical lessons on rates of reaction and the use of fertilisers
Teaching rates of reaction post-16
Ideas and activities to help students explore reaction dynamics and mechanisms
Exhibition chemistry
The gallium beating heart
Explore redox chemistry with this safer alternative to the mercury beating heart demo
Explaining observations in energetics quiz | 11–14
Get your 11–14 students applying their rates of reactions knowledge to new contexts
6 tips for teaching reaction rates using graphs
What to look out for when teaching graphs in reaction kinetics
5 ways to explain rate and equilibrium
Help your students understand the synergy between rate and equilibrium and answer exam questions successfully
Practicals: why you should take them slow
How a step-by-step approach to experiments can improve learning
Breaking the carbon–hydrogen bond
A new photocatalyst that can act on small alkane hydrocarbons is a rare example of directly using natural gases as reagents
How to use a visualiser for successful lessons
From zooming in on chemical phenomena to explaining marking schemes, try these teacher-tested approaches
Use on-screen simulations to successfully boost data skills
Perfect for remote teaching, but they’ve a role in classroom settings too